The Whispering Shadows of Valhalla: Dueling Gloves

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Kata acts surprised by what she said as she covers her mouth. She grins as she pulls away from Robertus as the music of the game starting up plays through the speakers of the suite, she clumsily hurtles her way down the chairs to the bottom row.

Robertus pulls the dinning chair over so he can look out at the game, he sits down to process what the possible repercussions of Conar's relationship. He takes a deep breath as he is not even sure if they are married to someone of prominence, they could just be of great wealth but little pull. This could be a lot of trouble for Valhalla, if this noble wants revenge the city will be throw into chaos. Even if it starts with just the Nest fighting with the federation agents in the streets, it would quickly spiral bringing in Pimogie forces, escalating this conflict further, the entry of the Pimogie forces on Valhalla, their would likely be more Federation assets brought in to resist the Pimogie put down. This would likely bring on a new war between the Pimogies and the Federation.

This is far from a stain Robertus would want on his record. It would harm his chances to be Deus if he is the one to end this era of peace his grandfather had seen to. It had been a long time since the last great war with the Federation. It was during a time of weakness in the empire as part of the militum was fractured from imperium. The stories his grandfather and great uncle told him of the horrors of that war of the slaughter the Federation commited on Roma.

Claudius though did almost find him in the start of a new one. He and Titus were tasked with carrying out an assassination of the supposed Mayor Adam We that went array. The infamous Silicon Job as it came to be known, caused a lot of trouble due to the Mayor's pull. The gangster was a protected citizen of the Federation married to a niece of the Emperor. Their were some skirmishes between the two stellar heavyweights, thankfully cooler heads and hard fought diplomacy prevailed, preventing a new massive stellar war with the death of millions if not billions.

It could be possible for him to avoid this too even if there was escalation. But it's better to nip it before it even has the possibility to happen, even at the cost of good press it could get him if it blew up into something bigger that would become a larger more out their circus, but the risks of deaths is unappealing. Robertus needs to find a way to cover himself and protect the people of the planet.

He ponders for a moment as goal is scored. He watches as Kata shifts around on edge as the game is tie he looks over at the game clock there is only six minutes and thirty two seconds left. His cousin squirms as the tension of the game starts to boil up as the scores now match each other.

Politics have kept his mind locked out from enjoying the game himself as his mind chugs through ways to keep the planet in balance.

He looks down on Kata, she is focused in careless to the world around her cut away mentally from the world she rules, her work completely vacant from her. She is likely just as powerful as him, if she wanted she could take the planet, before Tyrell could even get the Militum ready to respond. She is so able to pull herself out so easily and just live so carefree. Is it naivety? Or just the luxury that peace has offered them.

Another goal is scored and she jumps up exhilarated, screaming for Parba, as this goal taken closer to victory over Escora as they gain the lead again. She looks up and smiles at him, her grin glowing over shining her drunken messiness that had overtaken her.

Robertus feels a smile growing across his mouth as he can't help but feel love for her. She is so pure, even as she grows older she is still the baby of the family. She runs on a similar engine to himself, she is probably just letting herself let go and feel free from the strings that try to hold on to her and keep her locked in her work life.

He feels a ping of a shame at him silently demeaning her, while she sat there. It is not right that he would bring her down for having fun. It's not right for him to look down on any Pimogie. No matter their position they are all equal, all there to serve each other. It is with in human nature to judge but one must rise above that.

Escora quickly responds to the Parba goal evening the scores again bringing it to four-four. The time on the clock is one minute fifty two seconds. Escora calls a time out to stop the clock and give them a moment to breath and prepare for another attack on the Parba goalie. Robertus gets up walking down to his chair. He sits down next to Kata who quickly cuddles up against him. She rests her head on Robertus' lap.

"You think they go it?" She says looking up at him.

Robertus shrugs, "They are looking tough out there, I think they can do it."

Robertus relaxes and focuses in on the game as the puck is dropped again. Gloves fly off a Parba player as they charge at a Escora player. They grapple with each other as the Parba player tries to keep the Escora player standing. He lands a strong punch, as blood flies out of the Escora player's mouth staining the ice. The refs quickly break up the fight taking the two off the ice, a large grin of the Parba player is plastered over the screens of the area as he is put into the penalty box. They have just gain an edge.

Robertus' eyes light up, a duel. That's how he can solve his Conar problem. Have Conar force a duel with this noble, this can prevent escalation to war by giving it a little bang at the start killing the fuel of the fire before it even has a chance to start. It could even be turned into a televised spectacle, and with the proper rules at play no death will be needed, only a scarring.

The crowd's excitement grows as a Parba shot lines up and shots a goal it hits the Escora goalie in the shoulder bouncing up into the net giving them the win. The excitement is palpable as Kata jumps up and starts to dance to the music, swaying to the music. She smiles as she turns to Robertus, "Aren't you glad you stayed?"

"Absolutely, It's always good to see a hockey game and even better a Parba win, I will admit I do miss watching Pimogia play." Robertus' voice softens with reflection for a moment as Pimogia passes through his lips. "It's been nice Kata, hopefully you will come around the palace sooner than later."

"Absolutely." She says lost in the moment.

Robertus starts to head back up the stairs, before looking back down at Kata. He turns to the triplets, "Make sure she gets home alright." He then turns to his Imperial guards, "It's time to go home."

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⏰ Last updated: May 15 ⏰

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