Chapter eleven: Garrison Stats

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Within the chamber occupied by the young males, Stats had entered a state of slumber. Abruptly, a powerful detonation reverberated from the rear courtyard.

"Well, there goes experiment 106 or experiment 102, I don't know, I think I lost count." Luka said.

"Ugh! I don't get it, we tried everything." Keith said to the guys. The portal looks unscaled and not working, not to mention the portal has mud and blast marks on it. " We blasted with fire, added mud, water and Air, not to mention we tossed scales at it, and nothing worked."

Awaken from his nap, Stats flow to them to see what is going on. "There must be something that we're missing." Shiro said.

"How did you arrive?" Matt asked, pointing to Luka and Tavo.

"Honerva, for some strange reason she was able to activate the portal, that's all we know." Luka said.

"There must be something on the portal that we're not looking at." Shiro said as he looked closest at the portal.

He studied it carefully, but suddenly it was out of the ordinary, there was something that looked like a keyhole at the center.

Shiro gasped as he realized what he was looking at. He pulled something from his neck. It was The quintessence Crystal. He smiled, holding it in his hand. He closed his eyes and took a deep breath. He put the crystal in the keyhole, however, nothing happened.

He tried again, but still nothing happened. He frowned, puzzled. He knew the crystal was supposed to open the door.

"Mmm, Shiro." Keith asked.

"Nothing, I thought that worked." Shiro said

"What worked." Matt asked.

"The quintessence Crystal, It matches the center." Shiro said.

"The quintessence Crystal?" Matt said.

"It was a magical object that was created years ago." Keith answered.

"What! let me see it." Matt said.

"Stats." Stats said.

"Maybe there's something you missed?" Shiro said.

"Stats." Stats said as he flowed up to them. Before he can look at what is going on. Kaite does it for him as she pushes him out of the way.

Stats falls onto the wood, his ears hurting. He grunts up at her, rubbing his head.

"How long did you have this?" Matt said.

"For a long time, I guess I never realized I stopped noticing it after everything." Shiro said.

"Don't worry! According to my calculations, we should just miss it," Tavo states.

"For now we can figure out how it ticks." Keith said.

"Agreed, it might be our only hope to return." Luka said.

Stats approached them again but he found them already leaving the yard.

"Stats." Stats said.

"Oh! Stats, uh? I didn't see you there." Shiro said.

He whimpers sadly as he looks at the portal and wonders what has been the reason he wasn't needed for, This left Stats feeling insecure again as ever since he arrived on Earth, he was told that he had to stay hidden from the Galaxy Garrison.

He crawls up to the window, looks at the kitchen, and he suddenly gets an idea. He smirks and gets a pan and puts it on the top of the oven.

Getting a cookbook, he looked at one of the pages about how to cook chicken, looking at the ingredients. With a culinary curiosity burning within him, eager to embark on this culinary journey, he began to gather the necessary items. A plump, free-range chicken, fresh herbs from the garden, and a handful of aromatic spices lay in wait on the kitchen counter. With the ingredients assembled, he set about preparing the chicken.

The Samurai: An legendary Adventure Tale, part 8 and finaleWhere stories live. Discover now