Chapter four: Adventures in dogsitting

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Bae Bae stirred on Katie's bed before wandering downstairs and causing chaos in the living room. He then frolicked with a ball, his attention darting to the commotion outside where Shiro was engaging in a heated exchange with Keith, Stats, and Kosmo in the yard.

"Why the choice of Science Mag Monthly?" Shiro's voice echoed outside.

As Katie and Matt kicked around a soccer ball, Keith and Stats lounged in beach chairs under the sun.

"No mention of interdimensional portals at all? What gives!" Shiro exclaimed, a mix of frustration and disbelief evident in his tone as he angrily flicked through the magazine. "Science, seriously?"

"Hey, relax, Shiro. We'll figure it out," Keith reassured, taking a sip of his lemonade. "In due time."

Matt topped off his drink. "Oh, you don't have to do that."

"Oh, it's no trouble at all. Just enjoy," Matt insisted.

A series of beeps pierced the air, followed by wisps of black smoke escaping.

"What's that beeping sound?" Keith inquired.

Matt's eyes widened. "Oops, Mom, the canapés are burning!" He hurried to the kitchen.

"Phew! Feeling like a king here," Keith remarked.

"Stats, Stats?" Stats called out.

"Enjoy the luxuries while they last, but remember, 'Guests are like noxious swamp gas. After three days, they start to drive you crazy,'" Keith quipped. "We've nearly hit that mark. It won't be long before we need to pitch in."

"Actually, Keith, you've been here a whole week," Katie corrected him.

Keith sputtered, spitting out his lemonade in surprise, leading to an unintended spit-take with Stats.

"Oh no, that means we've overstayed our welcome. We're turning into freeloaders, just like Cousin Stanley!" Keith exclaimed.

"Who's Cousin Stanley?" Katie inquired.

"The guy who never left. A snack-hoarding phantom of a cousin," Keith explained. "I don't even think he was related to any of us."

"We had to put up with him, but the resentment grew with each passing day," Shiro added.

"In the end, he 'left'... through the window," Keith joked.

"Wow, that's quite extreme," Katie reacted.

"It was necessary," Shiro chimed in.

"And now, we're probably pushing our hosts to their limits. We need to find a way to contribute before we wear out our welcome," Keith determined.

"Hey, Shiro. It's time for your dentist appointment," Sam announced.

"My what?" Shiro looked puzzled.

"You've been M.I.A. for a year, and I doubt you've been taking care of those pearly whites," Sam teased.

Meanwhile, Colleen and Matt returned with a platter of canapés. "Oh, come on, Sam! Today's the day I have to take Bae Bae to the vet."

"Maybe Colleen or Matt could handle that for you," Sam suggested.

"Sorry, working at the Garrison today," Matt explained.

"Teaching a class on architecture at the college," Colleen added.

"Well, looks like we're in a bind," Sam murmured.

"I'm available, no school for me today," Katie offered.

Keith suddenly perked up, a plan forming in his mind. "I'll assist Katie with Bae Bae and take him to the vet."

The Samurai: An legendary Adventure Tale, part 8 and finaleWhere stories live. Discover now