Chapter three: Turning Point

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Moments before Shiro, Keith, Kosmo, and Stats were transported to Earth, Honerva raced towards the group, shouting, "No!"

Lance's heart clenched as he watched Lotor being stabbed. "LOTOR!!!" he cried out.

As Lotor fell and Shiro and the others vanished, Honerva whispered, "He managed to open the portal... Well, it doesn't matter now." She snapped her fingers, summoning shadow beings to her side.

"High Priestess Honerva," a Druid said, "We have captured the remaining forces in the base."

"Good. Get him to a rejuvenation tank. He's fading fast," Honerva commanded.

"There's nothing more we can do for him. Let's leave before someone..." Sendak started, his voice trailing off.

Suddenly, several Shadows materialized in front of Adam, Sendak, Lance, Hunk, Pidge, Krolia, Kolivan, Roman, Rokuro, Wakun, Rose, and Kam.

"What's the plan, Commander?" Adam inquired.

"I'm going to have to send you all out the window," Sendak declared coolly.

"The window?" Adam's tone was incredulous.

Before anyone could react, Adam and the others were forcibly tossed out the window, with Sendak following suit in a daring leap.

"Oh, crud!" Adam yelled in disbelief.

"Ha! A flawless escape!" Sendak chuckled.

"And did you even have a plan for after throwing us out the window?!" Adam retorted.

Kuro and Kiaion swooped in, catching Adam and the others just in time.

"Well, that's lucky! Excellent work, Drew!" Sendak praised.

"It's Kuro," she corrected, visibly upset as she shot a glare at Sendak.

Meanwhile, Lance gazed towards the base, whispering softly, "Keith... Shiro... please be alright."

As Adam and the others were safely lifted away, Honerva observed them, muttering, "So many loose ends, so little time." She then gestured to a shadow, commanding, "Follow them."

Three soldiers, outnumbered, raised their hands in surrender as they were surrounded and arrested by Shadows and Druids. Adam and the rest of the group watched the scene unfold.

"It seems everyone has been captured. We'll need to find shelter and devise a new strategy," Kolivan stated calmly.

"Alright, to Aurs," Hunk declared, taking charge of the group's next move.

The following day, in Aurs' town square, the townspeople gathered, their attention drawn upward by something approaching in the sky.

"Look up there... in the sky," an Aurs citizen pointed out.

Kuro and Kiaion gracefully landed, allowing Adam and the rest of the group to dismount.

"Lance, Hunk, Pidge, what happened?" Romelle inquired, her expression a mix of concern and confusion.

"Ask him," Lance replied tersely.

"Adam!" Romelle's voice carried a mix of shock and disappointment.

"I... I can't explain. I..." Adam began uneasily.

"No more excuses. After everything you've done, trying to seize control of the empire," Lance accused, his tone heavy with betrayal.

"I... I made a mistake," Adam admitted, his voice tinged with regret.

"A mistake? Your actions led to this chaos! Now Shiro and Keith have gone through that portal, and we're left in the dark," Hunk added, his frustration clear.

The Samurai: An legendary Adventure Tale, part 8 and finaleWhere stories live. Discover now