Part 11

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After a few days the dragon Queen was officially crowned queen of the Andals and the Rhoynar, and the first men. Lady of the seven kingdoms and protector of the realm.

But for Daenerys it definitely did not feel right on being the queen of Seven Kingdoms. For everything that the North had done for her from the very beginning she felt like she needed to pay them back and that is what she did.

She never really thought that she would become Queen but she did because so many people helped her out, she called all of her supporters into the throne room where she wanted to speak with him. The first people that she spoke to were the Starks, sitting on the iron throne Daenerys started to speak;

"The first thing I want to say to all of you, house Stark is Thank you. All of you have helped me to get the throne and I want to repay your house. And that is for your house to be an independent kingdom once again" she said

This shocked Brandon Stark and everybody about it. Of course Brandon Stark accepted it. The city was cleaned up and things got better.

Brandon Stark and his family returned home with the greatest accomplishment they have ever done, and his house survived it all. Brandon Stark done the impossible on getting rid of the Baratheons and the Lannisters but also putting the Targaryen's back on the throne as it should be.

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