Part Four

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In king's landing after the starks were able to escape the Lannister's were panicked. Everyone were shocked about what happen but also that they were able to leave out alive. But also that Littlefinger was dead, but their were important matters at hand to deal with. 

Meaning Joffrey Baratheon and his mother was panicking about the escape, for Tywin Lannister he came to the city to see the mess that his "grandson" almost made with the north. This was not good at all, Cersei was completely lost in her world.

To her she hated the Starks with a passion, and she feared what will happen in the end but she was also felt safe because she is an Lannister. And the house Lannister is above the rest, but it will be the end of it.

However when Tywin Lannister arrived he knew that he needed to act fast, that was controlling Joffrey Baratheon but also finding a bride for him. But also for his son Tyrion and Cersei, but Tywin had to wait for that because he knew that something was going to happen, like something in his bones.

Brandon Stark along with his family made it back to Winter fell where they were greeted by their loved ones. Everyone was just so happy that they made it out alive and that they are home safe.

Eddard greeted his wife as his other children came to him. They were able to have a rest for the time being and for the preparations to take place in the castle of house stark. For the wedding for Sansa Stark and Theon Greyjoy.

For Theon Greyjoy was a complete mature man and he was ready to do right by house Stark, he had the iron Islands backing him.

Sansa was not going to get what she wants but she was okay with that, she was just happy to be far away from Joffrey. The ladies of the starks helped Sansa to get ready for her wedding. And the same for Theon Greyjoy. Theon Greyjoy and Sansa Stark married in the court yard of the castle of Winterfell.

It was a beautiful ceremony between the two, everyone had a good time but soon after the wedding was over Brandon needed to act fast once again on his next move. The news of the marriage between Theon Greyjoy and Sansa Stark got back to king's landing where Tywin Lannister was and he was not happy about it all.

And he knew what Brandon Stark was doing, he understood why he did not attack first. Brandon Stark is getting the alliances first before he makes his moves.

Tywin had to admit that it was a impressive move on Brandon's part because that is what he would do if the roles were reversed. Tywin knew that the war that will be coming will be a long one, and it would be his last war.

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