Part Five

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When the banners where called Tywin Lannister thought it would be just the north but he was wrong. He was surprised how many houses joined the Starks in the war, and of course he did the same to help his house.

But it did not help when the Baratheon brothers joined the fight against them, where Stannis Baratheon and Renly Baratheon wanted the throne for themselves.

Word got out about the royal children not being Robert's and it was just a matter of time for it to get back to king's landing. Joffrey Baratheon hated the rumors that were all around king's landing but deep down he knew the truth about his mother and his uncle. It made him sick and it made him hate his mother. Things where not looking so great for the lannisters, however they felt confident that they will win.

They had this arrogance of themselves like they could not can be touch. Tywin was doing what he does best but also Brandon was doing the same. Tywin had his son Jaime by his side because to him he is the heir to Casterly Rock not Tyrion.

Where Jaime was able to leave king's landing to met up with his father, where both of them discussed what they should do next. To end this madness fast and easy. Tywin split the force in half to give to his son Jaime because there was word that the starks had set up their army.

So Jaime took his men to meet the Starks on a open field where the Lannisters where sorely outnumbered. Apart of the army had Eddard, Brandon with their older sons with them, all of them were ready to fight.

And they all won the battle and able to capture Jaime Lannister, Brandon had a letter written to tell Tywin Lannister what happen and that they have his son. That type of news made the great Tywin Lannister very fearful. Because at this point he knew that the Starks were serious.

Brandon Stark with his army made their way back to the north but they stopped at Riverrun first. They placed Jaime in a cell inside the castle, Jaime was able to see Direwolves running around the castle from his cell. He could not help but to think that he is in serious trouble and he wondered if he will get out of this alive.

All of the spy's that the lannisters had where being killed by the Starks, Tywin would never seen his son Jaime alive again. Brandon Stark knew that the lannisters will kill each other off sooner or later and or something will happen that will bite them in the ass.

So Brandon Stark made sure to chose the right ways to attack the lannisters, where he will not lose too many men. He had to be smart on the choices he makes for himself but also for his house. Having the iron islands on the starks side helped out a lot because they can attack the Westerlands.

That is what happen, being attacked by the iron islands and the attacks from Renly and Stannis were not helping.

Brandon Stark was determined to place Daenerys Targaryen on the throne. T

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