Part three

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As the Starks were in King's landing things started to get more intense. Lady Sansa Stark was supposed to marry Prince Joffrey Baratheon and where she would be the next Queen but Joffrey distanced himself away from her because Arya direwolf bit him. Brandon could see who Joffrey really was and he was not going to have his niece to marry someone like him.

So Brandon stayed in the background just watching. But one thing that he did expect to happen so quickly was the death of King Robert Baratheon and he knew that Cersei Lannister was behind it.

And of Course Eddard Stark found out about the royal children and he thought that a piece paper would keep him safe. And he was betrayed by the gold cloaks and Littlefinger, Eddard was thrown in the black cells.

Brandon was able to get his niece Arya out of king's landing and the hands of good men from the north to keep her safe until he gets back. Brandon went back to king's landing to get his niece Sansa and his brother out alive.

Brandon Stark was not ready how fast Joffrey Baratheon became king, he had to give Cersei props to working so fast. Brandon Stark stayed inside without being noticed but he was not alone. Ser Barristan Selmy could not believe this was happening, and that Eddard Stark was in the cells on false charges.

Brandon Stark stayed in the shadows waiting to grab his brother and his niece. For Sansa she was finally waking up, she was able to see how hateful and cruel Joffrey was and she wanted to leave King's landing and never return.

But she was afraid for her father, but also herself. Joffrey Baratheon made up his mind on what he was going to do to Eddard Stark, without his mother knowing. Joffrey Baratheon was going to kill Eddard by beheading, as he gave the order many people jumped out of no where.

Brandon Stark killed the executioner with out issues but he saw Littlefinger and he wasted no time on stabbing his throat and he made his way to his brother cutting the chains.

Eddard went to his daughter Sansa, the others that were with Brandon cut threw the king's guards and one of them push Cersei off the platform, Ser Barristan Selmy also decided to act. He knew that it, what was happening was not right. Brandon, Eddard with Sansa with the others made it out of king's landing alive.

Once outside of the capital all of them jumped on horses as they rode Riverrun. They were able to out run the Lannister men, once they got to RiverRun all of them were glad that they were not dead. But it was just beginning. Brandon Stark called the Banners, this means war.

Eddard was confused on why his brother was calling for banners, the only thing that mattered to him that he was alive and that his daughters were okay.

But this is when Brandon decided to tell his brother and his nieces his whole plan from the very beginning. And that also he was going to sit up marriage proposals for his two nieces, and he made his way over to Sansa.

"I know that you wanted to be Queen but you can not, Joffrey Baratheon is not a true Baratheon and I have no doubt that you have seen his true colors. He is not the man for you, he's not even a man. I will find you someone that is worthy of you and that will also help us during this war". Brandon said to Sansa

" And the same for you Arya".

" The time for Baratheons and Lannisters are long over". Brandon said

Ravens went to every Northern house and houses in the riverlands, to the Vale anyone that will pledge themselves to house Stark to get rid of the Lannisters and the baratheons. To place Daenerys Targaryen on the throne, there was many that joined in.

Everyone was ready, there was plenty that hated the Lannisters, people were ready for war. Letters got back to house stark, the oldest son of Brandon read the letter and then Robb did but also they heard about what almost happen in king's landing. Winterfell and the other houses got themselves ready for what will happen.

Brandon and Eddard with Arya and Sansa would stay in Riverrun for some time before they return back home. This will take time and a lot of planning for this war. Ser Barristan Selmy agreed to help the Starks until he pledges himself to Daenerys Targaryen and that was fine with Brandon Stark. 

That this will take a lot of patience in time, there's no room for mistakes whatsoever, Brandon knew that he needed to be smart on what will come next. But since what Brandon Stark did, Renly and Stannis Baratheon took their places. They to called for way as well.

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