Part Ten

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Daenerys listened to Tyrion Lannister that they should take Castlery Rock. The unsullied along with few members of the north went to Castlery Rock, taking it with such ease.

The news of it came back to Tywin Lannister where he found out all of his siblings and nieces and nephews were all killed. The news was distressing and in that moment Tywin Lannister knew that he had lost but he will good down fighting.

He called the whole of King's landing on lock down for the time being. Back at Dragonstone more members of house Stark arrived, where they met the Dragon Queen. Daenerys could not believe so many people have joined her side and that they were fight for her.

Jon came face to face with the dragon queen and Daenerys was completely drawn to him, she was able find out the truth by Brandon Stark on Jon's parents. It shocked her but it was nothing to her, she was going to be Queen.

She had the better claim to it. But she could not help the attraction she has for Jon. After enough speaking and making the next move everyone was ready. All took to moving, all of the army's took their places. They went heading to King's landing, standing outside of the capital everyone was able to see many soldiers standing on the towers of Kings Landing.

Brandon Stark with his brother Eddard Stark along with their sons but also Theon Greyjoy were standing outside of king's landing. Tywin heard the bells and he came running to the towers to see a huge army standing outside. Cersei also heard the bells and she too came running but she went straight to Tommen.

She immediately grabbed him heading to a safe place within the red keep leaving Margaery standing there like she was nothing but all stopped. They all stopped because a dragon attacked the walls of the capital. Then more dragons came attacking the city.

Daenerys was on one of her dragons overlooking the city, she was about to claim what was her. On the other side of the city in the port ships of Dorne came into view.

Martell's came on the other city where they started to attack. In no time the city of King's landing becoming sacked. Many people were slain, Daenerys made her way into the city where she entered inside the throne room. She saw the royal chair, she was surrounded by her guards.

Daenerys took her seat on the iron throne where the unsullied bought prisoners for her to judge. She looked upon Tywin Lannister and Cersei Lannsiter and including Tommen with his wife.

She knew what she needed to do with them and the others, Daenerys ordered beheadings for the prisoners. She started her reign when she step into the city.

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