Part Two

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Brandon -

I looked around the castle seeing that everything was ready for the arrival of the king and his court. For me I was just waiting for this to be over with, also including my wife.

My nephew Bran was climbing down from the castle where he was caught by his mother. I listened to what they said, that the king was close and my nephew ran off to tell his father.

Myself and my family lined up in order waiting for the king and his court to arrive. Once they did we all bowed to the king. We waited to raise up, once we did I saw my niece Sansa looking at the prince Joffrey.

I did not like that one bit, Robert Baratheon and Eddard wanted to speak with each other in private but I heard what they talked about. That Robert wanted to join their houses together, with Sansa and Joffrey together. I really did not like that, like the others that know the truth about the royal children I definitely did not want my niece with the Lannisters.

But there was nothing I could do, at least not now. Robert Baratheon named Eddard as his hand of the king but I also was going with him. But Sansa and Arya were coming along with us. We were heading to the capital that is full of rats and snakes. Hopefully I can get a base of how things were in king's landing, who I should take out first.

We all packed up with our things ready for the journey to king's landing, I already have plans running in my head on what I should do next. I knew the journey would be long but hopefully in the end would be worth it.

We took the king's road getting back to the capital. Eddard went straight to work as the hand, for me I stay listening and observing everyone.

Renly and Stannis Baratheon are begging for more power but also the want to be the king. Robert was continuing drinking and whoring around not being the king he should be.

It is like he didn't care anymore. For little finger, I definitely did not trust him at all. He will be the first person I will kill.

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