Chapter 64: A new lion

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As my vision slowly fades away, the last trickle of my life force stolen by the gash seeping into my side, I use the last ounce of power I have, my last chance to save my team. I create the white lion.  Ancient knowledge flows through my veins, touching my fingertips as lightning forms around them, materializing into the white lion, alchemy surrounding us, stopping our fall until my vision dies and everything goes dark. 

It feels like I'm falling into a vast ocean, it's deathly claws gripping onto me and pulling me under, further into the darkness. Silence rings loudly around me, icy cold water flooding my lungs, a fiery hot nothingness grabbing my lungs. I struggle for air, pain surrounding me. I desperately try to yell out but my voice is hoarse and pained, the air running further away from me. Leaving me to die. Leaving me all alone. 

I can feel reality slipping further and further away, like the surface of the ocean is thousands of metres above me, the pressure squeezing tightly at my lungs, I can feel death's mighty talons holding onto me, pulling me deeper. They always say your life flashes before you when you're about to die, but I guess they were wrong. All I see is darkness. My mind is a quiet solitude. 

Who am I? Who was I? What was my purpose? Did I have a family? What is this heavy burden of pain and sorrow that I seem to be carrying around? Why are tears pouring down my cheeks? The answers were lost on me. A name came to me. Ringing through my head. Keith. Who was he? Why was he important to me? Why in my last moments do I think of his name? 



Y/N: "Keith!" I open my eyes, gasping for the air around me, someone's warm embrace suddenly, wrapped around me like the sun. The rush of air through my lungs felt like a gentle breeze, welcoming me back. A lonely summers morning. 

KEITH: "You're okay!" His voice was like honey, the quiet solitude I had found myself slipping into a distant memory. "I thought you were dead!" His voice is shaky and agonising. 

Y/N: "Never let me go again." I feel my voice quivering with fear, my eyes pouring out the tears I'd wished to shed. His grip around me tightened, his hands trembling with relief. 

KEITH: "We have to hurry back to the others, they're in danger." He slowly stands up, helping me to my feet, his arm around me as my legs threaten to give way. 

We go into the cock pit, but this time I get into the seat, my lion. The white lion. 

Y/N: "I'll take this one, but I'll need your help." 

KEITH: "We're in... the white lion?" 

Y/N: "I'll explain later but first, I need you to step back a little." He steps away from my seat, I let the surging, hot feeling flow through my veins, into the white lion, it's claws holding onto the black lion, digging into it. A bright flash of white, seething light. Then silence. 

KEITH: "You- How did you-" He stumbles over his words. Staring out where the black lion used to be, but is now, one with the white lion, another chair is beside me now. Keith rushes over to it, pushing away his confusion. "We'll save the others... then... Shiro." 

Y/N: "That wasn't the real Shiro. Was it?" It was more of a statement than a question as we began flying through space. 

KEITH: "The real Shiro, he..." His voice breaks slightly, "He died during our battle with Zarkon." 

Y/N: "Shiro... he tried to tell me... but..." I clench the controls firmly. 

KEITH: "It's not your fault, we'll figure this out." 

Y/N: "We need to contact the others." Keith opens a frequency with the castle of lions. 

KEITH: "Hailing the castle of lions. This is Keith and Y/N." 

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