Chapter 56: A tyrants end

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ZARKON: "This ends now." Sword in hand, he lunges towards us, Lotor parries his blow, the clash of energies causing a huge explosion, the impact causes Lotor and I to fly backwards, Zarkon jumping towards us with malicious intent. 

He brings his sword down, my blade clashes with his just before it hit Lotor, the collision of corruption and purity through our blades bringing thunder crashing in the sky. Zarkon pushes me backwards, then punches Lotor, Lotor grunts as he lands on the ground, dust flying around us. I desperately try to catch my breath from the fall, watching as Lotor is overpowered by his father, corruption seething from quintessence strapped to his back.  I run towards Lotor, pushing him away just as Zarkon smashes into the ground in front of us, causing an earth quake like shock. Rock flies from all directions, I slice them i half before they hit me, Zarkon hauls a huge boulder towards us, Lotor cuts it in half, his blade glowing with purple light. 

The sun slowly disappears behind stormy clouds rolling above, dust settling on the ground below. As darkness descends on the planet, Lotor's yellow, galran eyes illuminate, just as Zarkons. 

ZARKON: "You want the throne? Even with the power of the black bayard, you're too weak. You'll always be weak.  You both have Altean blood running through your veins, poisoning your very being. Finally, my darkest shames can be wiped from the universe... forever."

LOTOR: "You speak to me of weakness? You've become nothing more than one of the witch's monsters. Does she control you as well?" His voice is shaking with rage, hatred towards the monster before us. "Tell me, what does it feel like to grow weaker and weaker? Does the memory of power haunt you? Is that why you strive for Voltron so desperately? All see it clearly. Without that lion, without this bayard, you're nothing."  The quintessence in Zarkon's suit quickly disperses through him, corruption building in the electrified air. 

ZARKON: "You want to see my power?" Glowing, purple quintessence seeps through the veins of his armour, rocks lifting from the ground around him, "The strength of the empire flows through my veins, and you will feel its wrath!" Bolts of corroding quintessence crash around him, his very being emanating with pure evil. I can see the fear in Lotor's eyes as Zarkon speeds towards us.  Lotor readying to block the attack, but at the last second, Zarkon disappears, dust clouding our vision. Suddenly, Zarkon appears, kicking Lotor, sparks of fire cracking in the air. 

Lotor is blasted backwards, Zarkon turns to me, I ready my stance as he lunges for me, his sword glowing in the thundering darkness. 

ZARKON: "Finally, your foul race will be eliminated!" I barely dodge his blow, fire bursting around the ground it hit. 

Lotor runs over, sword ready to slice Zarkon's head clean, but as his sword is about to hit Zarkon, he blocks it, his hand powerful enough to resits the power of the black lion's bayard. He grabs Lotor's sword and throws him, as Lotor hits the ground, Zarkon jumps out of the dust, Lotor barely dodges Zarkon's smash. I cover for Lotor as he recovers from the fall, my breathing is wavering and unsteady as Zarkon continuously clashes with my blade, each time sending me further backwards. My vision blurs as dust rushes off the ground, my heart racing with anticipation of his foul face to emerge from behind me. I hear movement behind me, I quickly turn around, but when I do a large impact hits me, my gut brimming with pain. I look down to see his blade piercing through me, blood rushing from my side, pain blinds me, I fall forwards as he takes out his blade, every part of me throbbing with the impact. 

ZARKON: "Say hello to your people. Monster." He rushes back to Lotor, leaving me keeled over, alone on this desolate planet. This can't be how I die. I barely manage to watch as Lotor is smashed into the wall next to me, Zarkon seething with power and corruption. I try to stand but the pain is unbearable as Zarkon lifts his bayard before us, a gun revealed. 

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