Chapter 62: Fearful Vengeance

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For what felt like years we travelled through the quantum abyss, I avoided the others for the most part, spending my time in the driver's seat, piloting us through the twists and turns. Cosmo kept me company, Keith usually came to talk to me, but I think the surprise I pulled the last time we talked left him a little awkward, maybe I mistook his actions for friendship. I stared out at the millions of stars, the cabin door opened behind me, I assumed it was Keith walking through but when I turned around I was met with the familiar blonde hair of my father. 

RYNE: "You're just like your mother you know, when she was mad, she would avoid me too." He smiled though I could tell my actions were hurting him. 

Y/N: "I'm sorry, dad. But after thinking you were dead my whole life, thinking I would never see you again, it's hard to understand or fathom that you're here." I turned back to the stars, gazing at the colours swirling amongst the galaxy. 

RYNE: "I think an explanation is overdue, how about I start from the beginning?" I nod, avoiding meeting his eyes. "You see, after the destruction of Comar, I was supposed to be dead, but when I awoke I was in a pod, similar to this one, heading towards a large, red planet, along with a few other alteans. I thought I was dead, or hallucinating." He let out a deep sigh, "But when we arrived, there were hundreds of alteans, all living peacefully, I was supposed to be sent to the other colony, but Romelle, she saved me, after finding out what happened to her brother, she tried to save as many as she could." His eyes were filled with the painful memories of the colony, "I thought I would live the rest of my days in hiding, in the forest where you found us, until you came." 

Y/N: "But why lie to me, and how did I talk to you, in whatever that place was?" 

RYNE: "It was the only way I could reach you, using my alchemy I reached your head, because of the powers I gave to you, I only lied because I thought I would be dead before I escaped that place." He looked remorseful, sorrowful at the past. 

Y/N: "Dad, it's okay. I understand, I'm just glad you're here now." I hug him tightly, the warm embrace of my father causing tears to stream down my face, "I spent 13 years all alone, finding you means I really do have family." I felt myself choking on my words.

RYNE: "I couldn't ever express how happy I am that you found me my daughter, I was afraid I would never see you again." I could hear his voice shaking as he held me. I pulled away, smiling as a river of tears fell, joyful tears. 

Y/N: "I can't wait to introduce you to the rest of my family, the one I found recently." Even though I'd found my real family, the paladins weren't any less of my family. 

RYNE: "I'd love to meet the people who took care of you when I couldn't, besides, your boyfriend seems to do a good job already." He smirked, leaning back in the chair beside me. 

Y/N: "What? K-Keith? No, he... he doesn't like me like that." 

RYNE: "In the time we've spent here, he hasn't spent less than a minute not talking about you, or looking at you or going to see you, so I would beg to differ." After that, he leaves, I continue to watch the stars run past as we make our way through the quantum abyss. After what felt like another two years we arrived, we were getting close to the castle, only minutes away. The castle must've detected us, it starts a hailing frequency. 

SHIRO: "Attention, altean pod, identify yourself." His voice brings fear and anguish to my heart after what I saw. 

I pull up the transmission, Keith sits beside me as the camera turns on. 

KEITH: "Shiro, it's Keith." 

SHIRO: "Keith, Y/N! Are you two okay?"

PIDGE: "Where have you been?" 

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