Chapter 23: An awakening part 2

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The paladins and I head towards the green surface of Olkarion, I look at Pidge who looks excited to see the technological advancements of the Olkari.

KEITH: "Why would a society full of literal tech wizards use spores to send a distress signal?"

PIDGE: "Who cares? When do we get to see that city?" She fidgets in her piloting chair, I laugh at her amusement.

ALLURA: "Actually, Pidge, the distress signal isn't coming from the city. It's coming from the forest."

PIDGE: "Oh.. why doesn't anyone ever send a distress signal from a cool place? I hate the outdoors. Nothing but sunburn and poison oak." She crosses her arms and furrows her eyebrows. I place my hand on her shoulder and she relaxes a little.

KEITH: "I like it out here. It's quiet."

HUNK: "What was that?" Something hits the lions, drawing us towards the surface.

KEITH: "Uh, are we being attacked?"

SHIRO: "I don't know, but something is dragging my lion down to the surface."

LANCE: "Yeah, something's pulling blue down, too."

HUNK: "Are those wooden mech-suits?"

LANCE: "Are you kidding me? We got taken down by a bunch of tree people!"

The lions land softly on the surface, grass dancing around them; Olkarion feels so magical.

SHIRO: "We come in peace!" We step out of the lions, I feel the soft air envelop my strained heart. It's so peaceful here, despite what the galra have done to other parts of this planet.

RYNER: "Could it be? Voltron?" An Olkari looks amazed and relieved at out arrival, she looks each one of us up and down, taking in the situation. 

PIDGE: "We found your distress signal!" Holding up the spore, Pidge smiles, feeling proud.

RYNER: "Praise Lubos!" The rest of the Olkari yell alongside their leader, joy spreading across their tired faces. "When the Galra attacked, only a few of us escaped the cities. We were forced to flee into the forest."

SHIRO: "How long have you lived like this?"

RYNER: "Many decafeebs. But, as you can see, our people are resilient. We never stopped evolving. Instead we adapted out skills to the environment."

PIDGE: "Coran was right, Ryner. You really are the most incredible engineers in the universe. To be able to switch from working with precision machinery to a bunch of sticks!"

RYNER: "Nature's designs are superior to any that we could devise."

PIDGE: "No offense, but I'll take my computer over a tree any day."

SHIRO: "You two talk science later. Let's assemble Voltron and get rid of these Galra invaders."

RYNER: "It's not that simple. I'm afraid, the Galra have our leader, Lubos." The Olkari mumble his name is solemn sadness. "If you attack, who knows what they'll do to him...£

SHIRO: "Then, we'll just have to rescue him."

Everyone follows Ryner to another part of the forest, where Olkari are bending nature magically to form weapons. 

KEITH: "Um, Ryner, where are we?"

RYNER: "This is the armory."

HUNK: "Huh?"

LANCE: "Cool!"

KEITH: "Uh, can I get one of those?"

We are all handed a strange device made from wood, and walk up to a tree.

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