Chapter 19: A new foe, or friend?

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Dear Y/N,

You probably don't know me, the galra wiped all your memories, but my name is Ellaria.

Your sister.

By the time you read this, you will be far away from your cell that the galra kept you and corrupted you in and I will most likely have been taken by the galra or worse.

So don't feel sad because I'm glad that you are safe. I expect you made it to the coordinates I set, the castle of lions.

I'm part of an organization called the blade of marmora, we are slowly making our way into Zarkons ranks, trying to take him down. But we need the helps of Voltron

Enough about that, I don't have much time, I'm sorry for not helping you sooner or telling you who I was, maybe I could've helped you with your powers and visions.

Since I can't be there to help you, our mother never told me who you're father was or why you disappeared, I don't know about the other half of us since our mother was very secretive about it. You are the last of our kind, with your powers, you can help save the world from Zarkons grasp. You must be wary of your visions, do not trust them, they are all true but some may not be your own memories or future. Be careful.

When you find the blade of marmora, say to the leader "Ellaria" and he will know you.

I have to go, but if all goes well, you will be safe in the hands of the paladins.

I love you. Goodbye.

Shaking, I let the letter slip from my gasp, tears sinking my heart. Something falls out of the envelope as it falls to the floor, some strange tracking device. I lift it with my shaky hands, staring at the black lights to life and a red dot blares slowly. Before I have time to comprehend what I read, I had to push aside my emotions as a loud noise blared in my ears.

Suddenly, an alarm blares in the castle, loud and unfading. I grab my dagger, rushing out of my room. I watch as the paladins rush in different directions, I run the opposite way

CORAN: "Careful, he's faster than an angry Klanmurl! But he can jump like  a sprightly gobinheffer!"

I slide past a fallen Hunk, running in the opposite direction to Pidge who is now hurtling towards the enemy. 

CORAN: "Oh, Hunk failed the team, guys."

I hold my dagger firmly in one hand, lifting my mask over my mouth and nose. I lean back, dodging Keith and Lance flying through the air. I nod to Shiro who lurches towards the intruder. He makes himself bait and once he dodges the attack, I shove my dagger in front of the intruder, holding one of his arms behind him. 

CORAN: "Wow, what teamwork you two!"

SHIRO AND Y/N: "Ulaz?"

ALLURA: " Who are you? "

SHIRO: "Stop!"

Y/N: "It's him! This is the galra who set Shiro free!"

ULAZ: "You've come."

Allura drags him to another room, cuffing his hands and feet.

SHIRO: "I don't think this is necessary."

ALLURA: "I will not have some quiznak-ing galra soldier on the bridge of my ship!"

ULAZ: "If I wanted to kill you, you'd be dead already."

ALLURA: "Are your galra threats supposed to win my trust?"

ULAZ: "I'm not trying to win your trust. I'm trying to win a war and because of Shiro we are closer than we've ever been. Our gamble on you paid off better than we could have ever imagined."

SHIRO:" When you released me, you also mentioned there were others working with you."

ULAZ: "Yes. We are called the Blade of marmora."

The letter flashed before me, those words she wrote...

Y/N: "The blade of marmora..."

ULAZ: "You know of it?" 

Y/N: "I do."

He looks at me, I see a look of something in his eyes, but I can't place what it is.

HUNK: "Others? Are they here?"

LANCE: "Hunk, can you try not to act scared around the chained up prisoner? It makes us seem a little lame?"

ULAZ: "I am alone on this base."

ALLURA: "What is this base you're talking about? Shiro's coordinates just led us to this wasteland."

ULAZ: "The base is hidden. Now that I know it is Shiro that has come, you are welcome to our outpost. It lies dead ahead."

PIDGE: "Behind all the xanthorium clusters?"
ULAZ: "No. Right in front of it, in a hidden pocket of space-time."

ALLURA: "Coran, are you hearing this?"
CORAN: "I am picking up some kind of anomaly on the screen. I suppose it could be a cloaked base."

SHIRO: "We came out here to find some answers. Are we going to turn back now?"

All the emotions and jumping from one moment to the next has made me dizzy, I want to walk out of the room but I don't think adding another thing to talk about with Shiro would help my case. I stay standing, hidden out of sight in the shadows. This Ulaz guy may have known my sister and I don't want him to draw the connection in front of everyone. 

CORAN: "Yes, princess. Beginning approach. Impact imminent in five, four, three, two. Well that's something."

ALLURA: "What is it?"

CORAN: "Putting it up on screens."

I think I let the emotions get to me, starting to think back to those words she wrote. Who was my father and why is my heritage such a secret? What did she mean by disappeared? Did the galra take me without them knowing? But, they gave me up to them, i remember it. Unless... what she said... 

You can't trust your visions, they may not be your own...Maybe it was her memory, not mine? 

Visions swarm my vision, enveloping every scene of reality it can. Suddenly, I see something. A small girl, she's crying? She's chained up... why?

"You are a danger to your planet. We cannot risk you destroying everything sacred we worked so hard to protect." a bellowing voice proclaims, slamming their golden, weaving staff on the ground creating an almighty roar through the shining hall. 

"We should have never trusted you, all galra are bad." a bright light shines from the staff, showering on the girl, no older than 3 years of age. She doesn't look galra though...

"You are herby banished from here! Never return! You are a monster!" She is gone, the light has decided her fate and she is who knows where. 

I wonder what she did... she's so young...

I feel her pain, I feel the sadness, she's all alone. Floating through space in some kind of pod. 

I see her eyes. Vivid red, piercing through the dark, abyss of space. A red beam starts to call her upwards. A galra cruiser. Not any cruiser. Zarkon's. I feel her fear, seeping from every corner of her eyes. I'm pulled back, everything around me begins to blend outwards like a vortex, I see small images of her life. 

She's screaming, crying, in agony as her mind is taken from her. 

Darkness surrounding her. 

Her cell swallows her in evil. 

She's blindfolded...

Those marks...



I hope you all enjoyed this chapter! I'll try and update when I can, although not many read it I hope those that do enjoy it! Have  a great day! :D

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