The Usurper from the Wilds 26-27

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Chapter 26- Ambitions Aired - chapter 27- A Prince With Naught

Before I could do something I heard Riddle’s voice shouting out to Leona. “If you have that much power, why do this?!” Riddle questioned Leona, screaming out for answers, trying to distract him, even for a moment.

“‘Why?’ What do you care, kid? You gonna scold me? Try to talk me down? Don’t you get it? Power alone ain’t enough to make waves in this world.” Leona paused before forcibly tuning Ruggies head to look at us as he choked. “Look at Ruggie here. He’s like a muzzled dog. Pathetic, ain’t it? Hard not to pity him.” Ruggie let out small pathetic chokes, his hand reaching up to grab onto Leona’s hand, Leona was going to kill him. 

“That’s enough! ‘Unleash the Beast!’” I looked towards Jack as he screamed out, suddenly he turned into a giant white wolf, I paused in shock, forgetting what I was going to do, everyone seemingly froze. 

“What just—” Riddle was cut off by Jack snarling at Leona, pacing back and forth, thinking about his next move. 

“He… transformed… into a giant wolf?!” I noticed Grim’s head pop out of my jacket in Lilia’s arms to see before burying his head back down, suddenly Jack took a running start at Leona, jumping at him. 

“Whoa, what just— Gah!” Leona lost concetraiton, releasing Ruggie’s neck slightly as he froze up upon seeing Jack in wolf form, shock filling his face as he took a step back, I noticed Riddle’s eyes light up. 

“He broke Leona’s concentration! ‘Off With Your Head!’” Riddle screamed and this time a collar appeared and stayed on Leona’s neck, the sand fell back onto the ground and Ruggie fell away from Leona’s hand, gasping and choking for air, holding onto his neck, I rushed to Ruggie, not caring about anything else as I helped him up. 

“That was beautiful, Riddle! You stopped Leona’s magic cold!” Cater praised Riddle. Deuce ran up to my side and helped me quickly drag Ruggie away from Leona, as we got him far enough, Silver and Sebek jumped in. 

“Sebek, let’s get the wonder somewhere safe.” Silver spoke, helping Ruggie up to his feet as he looked over to Sebek and quickly looked around at all the other wounded Savanaclaw students. 

“Do not presume to order me around, Silver!” Sebek shouted, anger flashing over his face before he moved to go help people, leading them out of the stadium. 

I looked back at Leona, he was grabbing onto the collar and trying to tear it away from his neck, a look of panic in his eyes, but there was a familiar feeling about it, the similar feeling Riddle gave off when he overblotted. “No… NO! You can’t collar a lion!” Leona gripped and pulled at the collar, obviously moments from a breakdown, he snapped his head to look back at Jack who was now back in human form. “And Jack! How did you… Transformation potions are forbidden! Where did you get that?” Leona growled as he looked up at Jack. 

“I didn’t use a potion—that’s my signature spell. With it I can transform myself into a wolf.” Jack corrected with anger on his face, resting his hands on his hips, Leona scowled at Jack before his face turned into a twisted grin. 

“Ha! What’s that saying? Every dog was his day? Well I guess you had yours!” Leona spat out towards Jack, mockingly laughing at him, he wasn’t so attractive anymore… 

“Housewarden Leona, I want you to know… I only came to this school because of how much I admired you! What happened to the man you used to be?” Jack yelled out, pleading with Leona out of anger and frustration with how the lion man was behaving. 

“Shut up… Your dreams got nothin’ to do with me!” Leona turned his head away from Jack… Does Leona have an inferiority complex? 

“I understand the irony of me being the one to say it, but it pains me to see you like this. You’d be wise to confine yourself to your room and try to calm down!” Fuck Riddle don’t say that. 

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