The Usurper from the Wilds 24-25

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Chapter 24- An Urge to Concede - chapter 25- Fangs Bared

That was the cue to get to Savanaclaw, I nodded at Ace and Deuce before we headed off, meeting up the group, aka Riddle, Jack, Ace, Deuce, Grim and me, as we made our way into the dorm, we walked over to the large crowd we could hear them all shouting and talking we slowly made our way over, making sure not to make a sound as to not alert any of them of us. 

We saw Ruggie running up the stairs to the small stadium Savanaclaw had, we all nodded as we sat on the stairs listening after he went up, I could hear him panting. “......Leona, I did it! Did you see the broadcast?” Ruggie finally said after panting for a minute. 

“Yeah. That was nice work, Ruggie. So long, Malleus. This year, the throne is mine.” Leona praised Ruggie, honestly Leona and Ruggie’s relationship reminded me of mine and Yuki’s… I missed my cousin… Actually… I missed all of those idiots back home… 

“Long live the king! Sha ha ha!” Ruggie laughed his usual spray bottle sounding laugh, looking up to Leona in a way that reminded me of a younger brother looking up to his older brother.

“Long live the king!” I heard Savanaclaw students shouting and celebrating, were they all seriously this selfish? Can they not see that this wasn’t a true win? 

Riddle looked back at us all before we walked into the stadium, behind Riddle. “I believe we’ve heard enough.” Riddle announced, Deuce crossed his arms as Ace and Jack put their hands on their hips, I continued to carry Grim, who crossed his little paws over his chest.

Ruggie and Leona snapped their heads towards us with total surprise and startle on their faces, Leona’s face softened into a cocky grin as he realized who we were. “Well, well, if it isn’t the Heartslabyul kids. And is that Jack?” Leona placed one hand on his hip and raised the other to slightly point at Jack, a cocky grin on his face as he teased us… God I wish he’d tease me… Suddenly he dropped both hands and the grin disappeared. “You transfer to Heartslabyul on us, frosh?” his demeanor suddenly changed into a serious one. 

Jack’s face twisted into a scowl as he crossed his arms, moving closer towards Leona. “Nah. I just don’t feel like celebrating the underhanded accomplishments of a bunch of cowards.” Jack scoffed as he staired down at Leona. 

“You filthy traitor!” Leona spat out, crossing his arms as he looked up at Jack, Ruggies face turned into a glare as he stared up at Jack. 

Riddle stepped in-between Jack and Leona even though there was still a bunch of distance between them. “You have tarnished a proud Night Raven tradition. As housewarden of Heartslabyul, a dorm focused on orderliness, I cannot possibly overlook this.” Riddle stated as he held himself high. 

“Listen, kiddies—save your heroic speeches for someone who cares, all right?” Leona rubbed his temples as he shook his head… I hope Leona knows I’m eighteen, unlike the others in the group… For no specific reason. 

Ruggie crossed his hands behind his head. “Honestly, coming into our territory with only a handful of people… It’s like you WANT a beating.” Ruggies shook his head and looked towards Leona. 

“You want us to take care of ‘em, Boss?” some random ass Savanaclaw student asked Leona. 

“Sure. Have a little fun with ‘em.” Leona dropped his hands down to his sides as he looked me dead in my eyes…. God, I wish he’d have a little fun with me… 

The moment that any of the students even tried to come towards us, Riddle raised his hand and pressed it against his chest before shouting out his signature spell. “Off With Your Heads!” In an instant, they were all cowaring before us, backing away, and grabbing onto their collars, most rushing away from the stadium in shame. “Hmph. Nothing but a lot of hot air. Ace, Deuce, are you all right?” Riddle turned his attention to Ace and Deuce who had been momentarily grabbed. 

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