prologue- 17-18

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Chapter 17-A United Front  - chapter 18-An endless Hunt + non cannon thing

We all ran to take our places, I heard grim’s voice echo through the mines “H-hey. Monster! I’m, uh… I-i’m over here!” I heard the monster screeching and yelling. It was following grim’s voice as grim was running my way, eventually grim ran up and jumped into my arms “he’s comin’ our way! y/n!” I took a few steps back before yelling “Right over here, monster!” 

“Grrurgh? Thieeef this waaay tooooo… neeevvvva giive stoooones! Neeeevvvva!” It attempted to strike me, barely missing my head and hit a giant hole into the wall of the mine “eep! If it lands one of those punches, we’re toast!” I kept moving backwards, just to stay out of arm's reach but to keep angering it more, “let’s lure him as far from the cave as we can.” the monster began screaming “begooone! BEGOOOOONE!” 

Me and grim kept moving, it kept following 

grim’s ears folded back before he spoke “we got him a good distance away from the mine!” we got the monster outside the mine, “We’re counting on you!” I yelled out signaling that it was ace and deuce’s turn, I saw ace jump from behind a rock “you bet. I got this! One extra-large gust of wind, comin’ up” grim jumped from my arms before yelling “with a side of grim’s blazin’-hot fire!” a large fireball went and struck the monster causing it to fall back in confusion, the fireballs kept coming one after the other, the monster kept screaming. 

“How’s that taste?! With my winds fanning them, even grim’s feeble flames can become an inferno!” 

“Whaddya mean ‘feeble’?! Ya really don’t know how to shut yer mouth, do ya?” 

“Now’s our chance!” I yelled out to signal it was deuce’s turn. I saw deuce appear from behind a tree trying to calm himself “get ‘em, cauldron!” he yelled out as a cauldron fell on top of the monster causing it to scream out in confusion. “Nailed it! The plan’s workin’! Look, y/n! That monster got smashed flat by a falling cauldron, just like Ace did!” I laughed slightly at the last comment “coulda done without the reminder, thanks! This has been one draf after another.” Ace scoffed. 

“Quick! While it’s distracted, we need to get that magestone!” deuce yelled as we began running into the mine, going to where the magestone was located, there it was, “that’s it! That’s the magestone!” deuce confirmed.

 right before any of us could grab it “Dooon’t toooouch thaaaat!” there we could see the monster almost completely free “uh-oh! Looks like it nearly wriggled free!” 

“Het, deuce! You gotta add more weight!” grim said nearly hiding behind me, “y-you mean something heavier? Uh… I summon thee, cauldron! And also, uh… um… another cauldron! And a cauldron on top of that! All of the cauldrons!” He kept summoning cauldron after cauldron to fall on top of the monster, but hey it was working so who am I to complain! 

Ace looked at deuce in surprise “is that the only thing you know how to summon?!” deuce slapped ace on the back of his head “pipe down already! I've worked up enough as it is!”

Grim jumped up and grabbed the magestone before yelling out “we got the magestone! Now let’s get outta here!” Ace immediately turned to leave “roger that!” We all turned and began running out as the monster screamed out after us. 

As we ran, finally I could see the cabin then we heard something behind us, it was the monster “are you kiddin’ me?! It’s still coming! It pushed off all that weight!” ace yelled pointing back at the monster, the monster kept wailing and screaming “Giiiive it baaaack!” 

“It’s too fast! It’s about to catch us!” deuce pointed out 

It was time “THEN IT’S KILL OR BE KILLED!” I screamed out while pointing at the monster feeling like it's time to go into my flowey era. 

I heard ace sign “aw, fine! Let’s just smash the thing. Try not to wet yourself, deucey!” he said, smirking  “same to you, ace!” deuce yelled balling his hands into fists, grim began smirking “i’m gonna show ya why they call me Grim the Great!” 

Grim began spitting fire at the monster as Ace sent wind so the flame hit the monster and caused a giant flame tornado as deuce was throwing cauldrons. I had grabbed the stone and ran around the monster causing it to spin itself into dizziness, falling to its butt and being crushed by multiple falling cauldrons and scorched by a flame ball being thrown at it.

 After a while of throwing constant hits and making sure it couldn’t touch us, it disappeared in a cloud of black smoke. 

“Is it… over?” Ace asked not to look up from the ground “I think.. We won? I think we did it!” deuce started smiling and cheering “all right!” everyone began cheering “gimme a victory high-five!” grim yelled which caused everyone to immediately react to give a high-five with a loud “yeaaah!” 

 I smirked while watching this “shared adversity sure brings people together, huh?” that sure snapped them out of the little friendship and happiness for each other they were just showing, deuce cleared his throat before saying “uh.. I don’t think that had anything to do with it.” Ace waved me off “yeah! Spare us the cliches, y/n!” 

Grim began smirking “there’s no ‘together’ here! We won ‘cause of me! This is all from me bein’ a magical genius!” Ace shook his head before looking at me “y’know… I hate to admit it, but… we mostly won because of your plan.” 

Deuce nodded “yeah… if you hadn’t managed to keep your cool and tell us what to do, we never would have got this magestone. Now I won’t get expelled. And wow, is THAT a relief!” I smiled while looking around at the three of them. “I'm just glad no one got hurt.” 

Ace waved me off again “yeah, yeah, lessons were learned, et cetera. Can we just go home already? I’m wiped.” grim started whining “usin’ all that magic made me hungry! Huh? What’s this?” he said walking up to a black stone “is that part of the monster we just beat? It looks like… a magestone? But it’s black as coal! I’ve never seen one like that before.” 

Grim began sniffing it “what IS this? It smells amazing!” Ace looked at him like he was crazy. “Are you insane?” grim scoffed before saying something else “must be some fancy monster candy that it was hidin’ from us! If this tastes half as good as it smells…” and then he chomped down on it, I grabbed his bow and began yelling at him “spit it out! Bad cat! Don't eat random things off the ground!” 

Grim yelled out “are you okay?!” deuce yelled out in worry but ace said something different “that’s what you get for eating trash!” 

“OooOOogh… urrrgggh… that… was AMAZING!” grim yelled out causing deuce and ace to yell out “what?!” in surprise “rich in flavor and full bodied.. Like, sweet, fragrant flowers burstin’ into bloom on my tongue. A whole field of ‘em! Right in my mouth!” grim yelled out in full delight 

“Gross. Monsters must have real weird tastes.” ace said as he scrunched his face in disgust “you might be onto something there… most humans don’t take random stuff they find on the ground and just pop it into their mouths” deuce commented. 

I crouched down next to Grim, and pulled him to look me in my eyes. “Are you sure you’re okay?” he burst into laughter “man, was that great! Don’t worry about me. I don’t got a weak stomach like you humans do.” 

Ace shook his head “hmph. We’ll see if you’re so smug when you’re sick later tonight.” deuce sighed “okay, let’s pull ourselves together. We need to get this magestone to the headmage!” 

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