The Usurper from the Wilds 22-23

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Chapter 22- Start of an Uprising - chapter 23- A Strategic Stampede

I gave Cater a quick goodbye kiss, he opened his mouth to say something but only a groan came out, I chuckled. “I’ll see you tommorow, ‘kay?” I grinned, Cater looked up at me with a suspisious glare, seemingly curious on how I was still perfectly awake, honestly it was because I was embarrassed if anything else… 

I left Cater’s room, as I was walking down the stairs I ran into Ace, who looked half asleep, he paused as he looked at me and my messy clothes, his eyes widened as he looked at me. “I fell asleep.” I answered before he could ask and quickly pushed past him, down the stairs. 

No one else was downstairs. I walked around, looking for Grim, I found him sleeping on the couch in the common room. I scooped him up into my arms and rushed back to Ramshackle, the moment I got inside I rushed upstairs and plopped Grim down onto the bed before rushing to go take a shower.

As I went into my room, wearing nothing but a towel, I looked over at my nightstand, it was apparent that Crowley had dropped off some new pajamas for me, after all I couldn’t just keep rewearing the cat pjs he got me. 

I hummed and unfolded the pajamas after stripping off my school uniform and pulled up the pajamas shorts, which was pink and had small white dots, after unfolding the shirt, I knew that I was going to kill Crowley tommorow, it was a tank top with a cupcake with a pink swirl and sprinkles on it, the words ‘sweet dreams’ were written under the cupcake with an obnoxious font, that fucking bastard. Who does he think I am? An eight year old girl? 

I huffed as I put the shirt on and moved to grab my bonnet and put it on, taking my glasses off and laying down to sleep. I let out a small sigh as I cuddled up with Grim, I was so very tired and sore from… previous activities… 

I saw the mirror again, swirling as I fell deeper into it, it was one of these dreams again.

I was in a cave now, looking around “The smell of… earth?” I huffed, looking around.

I could see scar laying on his back, a bird in a cage. “Oh, Zazu, do liten up and sing something for me with a little bounce in it.” Scar ordered Zazu. 

“Oh… I would never have had to do this for Mufasa.” Zazu complained, looking defeated in the bone cage. 

“What? What did you say? I…am… the KING!” Scar shouted, just then a hyena walked in. 

“Hey, Boss! We got a bone to pick with you.” The first hyena Banzai walked in, two other hyenas followed.

“Scar, there’s no food, no water… We’re hungry!” Shenzi growled, her head lowered, anger on her face, eyeing Zazu. The three hyenas walked up to Scar who sat up on all fours and looked down at the hyenas. 

“What are you complaining to me for? Eat Zazu.” Scar huffed, staring down at the three hyenas, speaking in a sassy tone as he always did. 

Banzai shook his head and leaned down closer to the other hyenas. “I thought things were bad under Mufasa…” Banzai whispers with a snarl, the other two seemingly agreed. 

Scar heard this and jolted forward, leaping in between them. “What did you say?! Get out!” Scar growled out a command, two of the three hyenas rushed away but the third stayed. 

“But we’re still hungry!” Ed whined, looking up at Scar.  

Everything was black now. “What happened to all that motivation he had before he was king?” I huffed, I could feel someone nudging me. 

Hey, wake up.” I heard a voice speak. I slowly opened my eyes to see who it was only to see Jack standing up over my bed, looking down at me. 

“Wow, that dream was a real downer.” I yawned as I stretched out, accidently hitting Grim who jolted up and snapped his head up at Jack.

“Huh? What are you doin’ in our dorm?” Grim jumped into my lap, staring up at Jack, his head tilting slightly. 

“I’m on my morning run. Today’s the day of the Spelldrive tournament, and I wanted to make sure you didn’t mess everything up by oversleeping.” Jack picked up my glasses and put them on me, tugging on my arms and forcing me to sit up, I groaned slightly. 

“Oh! Yeah, you’re right! We gotta catch the bad guys so they’ll squeeze Ramshackle House into the tournament as a reward!” Grim raised his paw, almost into a little fist before jumping off the bed. 

I slowly shook my head, pushing the blankets off of me and stretching once again, still laying down and not caring about my pajamas. “I have a bad feeling about this…” I yawned out again. 

Jack sighed and crossed his arms over his chest. “I’ll see ya at the tournament grounds. Don’t you dare go back to sleep!” Jack glared down at me before he left my room. 

Honestly everything ached and hurt, I was so so very tired, I just wanted to keep sleeping… But I probably shouldn’t. I slowly got up and took my bonnet off before putting on the school uniform, I slowly left my bedroom, walking down the stairs and putting my shoes on before slowly forcing myself to go to the tournament even though my entire body was screaming at me to rest. 

Ace and Deuce joined me on my way through the side street, though the crowds of people, pushing my way through and making my way to the main street. “Myaaah! Get a load of all these food stands! They got churros and funnel cakes, and… Ooh, is that jerky?” Grim stared down every food booth we passed as I carried him. 

“Man, I can’t believe I didn’t make the team after all that.” Ace sulked behind me, holding onto the back of my school uniform’s jacket, Deuce was holding onto it too, they both sighed loudly behind me. 

“Me neither…” Deuce sulked as well, sighing behind me as he leaned up against me, slowly following behind as we walked through the crowds. 

“There’s always next year… But for now let’s cheer on the ones who did!” I turned back to look at them, Ace sighed louder at my words, shaking his head, Deuce nodded, thinking to himself for a moment. 

“Well, we have an important job to do anyway. We should focus on that.” Deuce smiled, moving to stand beside me instead of behind me, Ace moved up to my side as well, nodding at Deuce’s words. 

“Yeah, good point. Focused. That’s us.” Ace kept nodding, obviously trying to convince himself as he stared off at the ground while walking beside me, he was lying to himself, we all knew. 

“Whoa, what’s a corn dog?! I wanna try one! Come to papa, whatever you are!” Grim shouted as he jumped out of my arms, proving my point as he rushed to the corn dog stand, I reached into my pocket, preparing to grab some money that I had brought in case, but Ace rushed after Grim. 

“Eat later! We need to go!” Ace shouted at Grim as he grabbed Grim up by the scruff of the neck and picking him up, rushing back to me and Deuce, I laughed softly as I watched this play out, Grim thrashed around and growled as Ace carried him, trying to get back into my arms, with no success. 

I quickly tossed some money down and grabbed a corn dog and skilfully weaved through the crowd, grabbing Grim back up into my arms, out of Ace’s and handed him the corn dog, Grim immediately let out a laugh and looked back at Ace with a cocky grin before looking up at me. “I knew I could count on my henchman!” Grim scarfed down the corn dog immediately after, Ace rolled his eyes. 

Suddenly over the PA System someone could be heard clearing their throat. “Ahem…. Welcome, one and all, to the Night Raven College interdorm Spelldrive tournament! Thank you for your patience. The players will be entering the stadium momentarily!” 

Just as the PA System went quiet the crowd burst out into a “WOOOOOOHOOOO!” Everyone seemed to be looking up at the PA system as it continued talking. 

“First up will be last year’s champion. But can lightning really strike thrice? Give it up for the reigning light… DIIIIIAAAAASOOOOOOOMNIIIIAAAA!” The PA System could be heard clicking off just as the crowd went wild. 

“WOOOOOOOOOO!” The entire audience went crazy, we could hear it even as we stood outside, but suddenly everything went insane, screams of terror and loud thumping sounds could be heard like people were running and breaking things, a moment of happiness and excitement turned to one of terror. 

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