4. Coastal Defense Pt.2

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"The flagship has been sunk!" With the flagship sunk, morale dropped significantly. The one who led the flagship was a national hero. But the battle was still ongoing; they couldn't stop and turn back. It was already too late for that. Luckily, the Vice Admiral was aboard a different ship.

"Vice Admiral Loka! Please give an order!" Loka was an average-looking young man, not too bulky, not too bony either. With black hair and brown eyes, he was just an ordinary man you could find anywhere on any country's sidewalk. He was born in a small town far from the capital. He had always dreamed of being part of the Navy after hearing the story of the legendary admiral. But now that his idol was dead, he felt despair. He had worked so hard to be in this position to get closer to him. He had always wanted to be part of the legend. He wanted his name to be mentioned in the history books. He probably would be, but not in the way he wanted.

"Prepare for landing! We will only get obliterated if we stay on the water!" Small boats were dropped from the carrier ship. The soldiers hopped into the small boats and rowed to the shore. There were hundreds of these small boats carrying thousands of troops. It was the largest landing operation they had ever seen. The question was... could they make it to the shore?

"Vice Admiral, are you okay?"

"I don't know. None of us expected the expedition to end like this. Could it be that another country has already set foot on that land before us?"

"But that is impossible, we are the closest one. It would take them more days to get here."

"Then who are we facing?"


"Work faster! We don't have much time left, we need to get the defense ready before they reach the shore!" Captain Cord was part of the Feline sub-race, or you could just call him a catman. He came from the Tigreal family, or to be more specific, the tiger family. As you can imagine, he looked just like a normal human but with tiger ears and a tail. But be aware, he was not cute. He was a fierce warrior, with a bulky build, orangish hair, and amber eyes, not to mention a big scar slicing his left eye. Just looking into his eyes would freeze you in fear. People called him 'The Half-Man Half-Gun' because he carried a lot of guns, from a revolver, rifle, and even machine guns all strapped to his body. A wise man once said it's faster to switch to your machine gun than reloading. He led the 1st Infantry Company and was the first to arrive with more to come soon. The 1st never lost a single battle under Cord's command. They were so fierce on the battlefield, always the one to lead a charge and be the last one standing. Thus granting them the name 'Fatal Company'. If they won this battle, it would be the 70th victory for them. They had been fighting for the Kaiserin since the beginning of the founding of the Empire.

"Captain, they are landing!"

"What's the number?"

"Too many! They are flooding the beach."

"Good, that means we don't have to aim."

"Sir, they are within our range!"

"No need to worry about ammunition, fire at will!"

And thus, hell was let loose.




"My leg!!"

"There is no way back! Keep advancing!" One by one, they were mowed down by a hail of machine guns. Their shields and armor were useless, and their arrows couldn't reach the enemy. They were presenting themselves to death.

"Commander! What should we do?! We can't get closer to the enemies, we can't even stand up from our place without getting killed."

"Tch, it's useless! As long as they keep firing these light projectiles, we can't do anything! We are sitting ducks. Where are our wyverns!"

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