2. One After Another

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"What's happening?!"

"I can't open the menu pop-up!"

"Somebody report this to the Admins!"

"Are you dumb?! We can't even open the menu pop-up!"

The people of the city, or rather, the players are panicking. They were minding their own business and suddenly they all fell unconscious, only to find they could no longer open the menu pop-up. Without it, they can't report this to the Admins. That also means they are trapped here, in this game.

"D-does that mean we are trapped?"

"I'm afraid so..."

"H-hey, stop joking! This just might be a bug, they will fix it as soon as possible"

"I hope so"


The sound of a siren gained people's attention, they were the firefighting unit with their antique trucks! It seems many buildings were set on fire during the strange event as there is a lot of black smoke coming from various directions. The police also started flooding the area trying to calm the people and fix the traffic as many cars were blocking the road and there were a lot of crashes happened.

"Sir, please get out of the road. It's dangerous here" Said a police officer to a group of players standing in the middle of the road.

"W-wait a minute, what's happening here?!"

"I don't know sir, but please get out of the road for now"


The group did as they were told.

"Hey, do you notice?"


"That police officer, he is an NPC, right? We all know Civilizica's NPC lacks dialogue, but he talks very naturally, like a real human being. Heck, don't you see his expression? That's beyond the game's capability"

"What are you trying to say actually?"

"I mean c-could it be..."


-Imperial Palace, Meeting Room-

The meeting room was in chaos. Everyone won't stop arguing, it becomes so loud to the point they can no longer understand each other.


The sound of the door being slammed silenced them.

"Why's the ruckus, I can't hear it all the way here!"

"Your Majesty!"


The one who shouts is a man in his 50s, he has grey hair and a pair of orangish eyes. One thing that stands out the most is the fact he has a pair of canine ears. His name is Rolf Braun, and people know him as the Prime Minister.

"Alright, anybody has an explanation about the current situation?" Asked Amalia as she sat on her chair at the end of the d-end table.

'Even a pinch of information would be very helpful right now, I should keep acting for now. I don't really know them even if they have been working with me for a long time, again it's because of the lack of dialogue that hinders Player-to-NPC relation-building '

"Unfortunately, we don't have any explanation regarding this situation. Our scientists are working hard to solve this mystery as we are discussing it right now" Said Prime Minister Rolf.

'Not a single information?'

"Regardless of its origin, the havoc wreaked upon our Empire is undeniable. Production and distribution were delayed, the stock market has plummeted, and the value is falling to no end. We're still in the process of quantifying the financial damage. Our economy is experiencing an unprecedented downturn, the worst in our history" The one who spokes is a middle-aged man, he's just a normal human with black hair and brown eyes. The Minister of Finance.

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