3. Coastal Defense Pt.1

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-Himmelshafen, Silberne Beach-

"All men to battle stations!"

The orders blared from loudspeakers, and men scrambled to their designated posts. Himmelshafen, a crucial coastal city, bristled with massive naval cannons strategically positioned throughout its perimeter. The city's defense rested on the 22nd Infantry Division, comprising 14,000 troops, along with support from the 11th, 13th, and 9th Fighter Squadrons, as well as the 27th and 28th Dive Bomber Squadrons.

"Man the guns!"

The K28A4, an imposing 280mm coastal cannon, stood ready. The 'K' designation denoted Küstenkanone, or coastal cannon in English, while the number '28' indicated its 28cm caliber.

"Target that large ship! Sixteen degrees left, range at 9,000 meters!"

"Shell loaded!"


The deafening blast reverberated as the massive 280mm shell hurtled from the cannon's barrel, shaking the ground with its power.


**Admiral Aghen's Fleet**

On the bow of his ship stood Admiral Aghen, a seasoned veteran who had led the Presian Empire to victory during the 4th Great Minesian War. Now, he commanded a formidable fleet of over a thousand ships. According to prophecy, the Great Storm would subside, revealing a vast, resource-rich land beyond the tempest-tossed waves. Whoever controlled this land would reshape the world. Today was that fateful day.

"Admiral, the wyverns are ready for takeoff. We await your orders," reported a young crew member.

"Launch them! Instruct them to scout the area!"

"Aye aye, sir!"

As the crew member departed, Admiral Aghen pondered. Departing from the Empire had stirred an odd sense of déjà vu—a return to the 4th Great Minesian War. He hoped nothing would go awry.

Suddenly, a whistling sound pierced the air. Admiral Aghen looked up, spotting a small dot growing larger by the second. Before he could discern its nature, it crashed onto a neighboring ship, erupting in flames.

"A coastal attack!"

"At this range?!"

"Stay calm! Battle stations, prepare the landing troops! The wyverns are already en route to the coast!"

"Understood, sir! Maintaining formation. Closing the distance!"

Admiral Aghen's mind raced. Who could unleash such firepower at this range? Had Aggrean continent nations already landed on the island ahead? Few in Minesia knew of the divination.

His thoughts shattered as another ship exploded before him.

"May the wyverns deal with our assailants," he muttered.


**Wyverns in the Sky**

Around a hundred wyverns soared through the sky, their mission clear: eliminate the threat endangering their ships. These majestic creatures, revered as lords of the sky, served in many countries' Air Forces. Their fiery breath could reduce buildings to rubble in a single strike.

"That's a massive city."

The riders shared the same thought. A city of this magnitude didn't materialize spontaneously.

"Focus on our targets! Attack those cannons!"


The riders split into smaller groups, aiming to disable the coastal cannons. But the task proved daunting.

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