-ˏˋ⋆ CHAPTER 3 ⋆ˊˎ-

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Brooke's POV

I stood in the courtyard of the hotel, sick and tired of running from the Glimpsefiends . Enough was enough. It was time to take a stand.

"I'm not leaving," I declared . "I'm going to make those Glimpsefiends beg for mercy as I kill every single one of them."

With that vow echoing in my mind, I remembered the store room I had stumbled upon during my exploration of the hotel the previous night. Axes lined the walls, waiting to be wielded as weapons, and they will.

Without hesitation, I dashed towards the store room, bursting through the door, I scanned the shelves until my eyes landed on a large, formidable axe.

Grasping the weapon firmly in my hands, I felt a surge of power wash over me. This was my chance to fight back, to show those Glimpsefiends that we wouldn't go down without a fight.

Stepping back outside into the cold morning air, I raised the axe high above my head. "Come at me, you bastards!" I screamed . "I'm not afraid of you!"

And then, as if in response to my challenge, two Glimpsefiends emerged from the shadows, their twisted forms advancing towards me with menacing intent.

But I didn't falter. I didn't waver. With a steely determination, I squared my shoulders and met their gaze head-on, a fierce glint in my eyes.

As they drew closer, with a swift and decisive motion, I swung the axe with all my might, the blade slicing through the air with a satisfying whoosh. It connected with the creature's flesh, eliciting a pained screech as dark blood sprayed across the ground.

I didn't hesitate, each strike fueled by a fierce determination to protect my friends at any cost, wow- did I just call them friends, sweat dripped down my brow, my muscles aching with exertion as I fought with all my strength.

And with each swing of the axe, I felt a surge of satisfaction coursing through me. This was my moment, my chance to show those Glimpsefiends that they had underestimated me. I was fearless, I was unstoppable, and I would not rest until every last one of them lay defeated at my feet.

Finally, with one last mighty swing, the axe found its mark, burying itself deep into the creature's skull. With a final, anguished cry, the Glimpsefiend collapsed to the ground, its threat extinguished.

Breathing heavily, I stood over the fallen creature, my hands trembling with exhaustion and adrenaline. The axe still clutched tightly in my hands. Despite the exhaustion that threatened to overwhelm me, a sense of triumph surged within me.


William's POV

As the final Glimpsefiend crumpled to the ground, its grotesque form convulsing in its death throes, I stood there in awe, scarcely able to believe what I had just witnessed. Brooke, with her unwavering courage and fierce determination, had single-handedly vanquished the monsters .

A surge of admiration welled up within me as I watched her, her chest heaving with exertion, a triumphant grin spreading across her face. In that moment, she seemed like a warrior goddess, fierce and untamed, ready to face any challenge that dared to stand in her way.

"Ha!" she laughed. "Take that, you Fuckers!"

I couldn't help but marvel at her audacity, her fearlessness in the face of danger. Each swing of her axe had been precise, calculated, striking true with deadly accuracy. It was as if she had been born to wield that weapon.

"Brooke, that was incredible," I found myself saying, my voice filled with genuine admiration. "I can't believe how accurate you were with every attack."

Her grin widened at my words, a spark of pride flickering in her eyes. It was clear that she relished the praise, reveling in the knowledge that she had proven herself in the heat of battle.

"Well, you know," she replied, her tone casual yet tinged with satisfaction, "I guess I've got a knack for killing monsters."

I couldn't help but chuckle at her boldness, impressed by her confidence and self-assurance.

"I hope they saw this," I murmured, unaware Brooke heard me.

Brooke met my gaze, her eyes shining with a mixture of pride and determination. "Yeah," she replied, her tone firm "I hope they did too."

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