Chapter 30: Missed

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After several weeks of searching, Doctor Strange finally found Avery's Family.

"Avery, I found your parents!" he said, walking out of the portal and into Avery and Loki's living room. 

"Avery, the wizard is here!" Loki yelled.

"oh I'm coming. I just need to put Flo's socks on her!" She called back.

"Daddy look!" Flo said running to Loki. 

"don't you look lovely my darling"

"Doctor Strange nice to see you again"

"It's nice to see you too"

"have you found out anything about my family?"

"yes that's actually why I'm here. You see, your parents are in another universe."


"from another universe, Avery"

"but how is that possible?"

"I'm not sure"

"Well can I still see them?"

"I suppose it couldn't hurt as long as they don't see you"

"Thank you"

He than opened the portal and lead Avery through it.

"Here wear these" he said, handing her a baseball cap and sunglasses.


"don't mention it"

"grandma look at me!" they heard a young boy call out.

"good work, buddy!" the older woman replied.

"That lady looks like my-"

"Mother, yes. and the 15-year-old boy is your nephew Logan"

Suddenly, Avery felt something bump her foot when she looked down she realized it was the baseball Logan had been playing with. 

"oh I'm so sorry ma'am. I really need to get better at my aim." Logan said walking over And picking up the ball.

"Don't worry about it it's ok" Avery replied nervously.

"Logan come on we've gotta go!" a woman yelled from across the park.

"Coming Aunt Maria! sorry again, ma'am." Logan said before running over to the lady.

"that's my little sister. She's gotta be at least 21 by now."

"Yep, And she's in college too"

"Wow, I missed out on a lot"

"but you also gained a lot" Doctor Strange reminded her.

"yeah I guess I did" Avery replied, smiling.

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