chapter 17: willing

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"Avery don't you think you might have overreacted?" Zootoxin asked as Avery drove crying to May's apartment.

"Maybe but I made a promise to myself, I can't go back to that kind of life again!"

She then drove to her mom's apartment and ended up staying the night, she loved Loki but she needed to get away for a little bit.

(The next morning)

"So what happened" May asked handing Avery a cup of hot tea.

"What do you mean"

"Oh come on Ave, you come here at 11:00 pm crying and asking if you could stay the night and you think I can ell something is wrong."

"Fine, Loki and I had a disagreement"

"About what?"

"I'd prefer not to say"

"Ok, then what did you and him do?"

"Well, he wanted me to do something and I told him that I made a promise to myself that I wasn't willing to break."

"And that's good, you stood your ground but if you follow threw with this promise are you willing to take the sacrifice that come with it?"

"What do you mean?"

"Are you willing to loose him because you choose to keep your promise?"

"I didn't think about that"

"Well, maybe you should talk to him about it"

"Thank you mom, I have to go see Loki and talk to him about this. I don't think I can handle loosing him mom, EVER!" Avery said hugging May then grabbing her coat and running out the door.

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