xx. The future

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♡˗ˏ✎*ೃ˚ :Chapter twenty: :;

♡˗ˏ✎*ೃ˚ :Chapter twenty: :;

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"What is unconditional love?Someone asked me

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"What is unconditional love?
Someone asked me.

I looked at my mother"

Time had flown by quickly, appearing to move at both a leisurely and rapid pace, akin to the ebb and flow of the ocean waves meeting the shore. Binna had undergone a transformation, blossoming into a mature adult with two cherished children and a remarkable spouse who happened to be her first love. Initially intended as a brief journey to a foreign land with Cheong-ah and their father, they were misled into extending their stay for educational pursuits by their father. This shift posed a significant challenge for both Yoon sisters as they grappled with adjusting to a new language, customs, residence, educational institutions, and community, essentially starting their lives anew from the ground up.

Binna hesitated to part ways with her circle of friends in Korea, particularly upon learning of Yi-chan's unfortunate accident resulting in his hearing loss. She felt an intense need to support him during such distressing times and was reluctant to leave him alone. Despite her emotional attachment, her father made the decision to separate them, prioritizing other factors over her sentiments. It wasn't until several years later when Binna finished her studies and returned to Korea that she once again crossed paths with her true love. Eun-gyeol had departed, presumably to his own time, and Binna lamented the lack of closure in their parting. Nonetheless, she recognized a connection with him upon his birth, realizing that the mischievous and smiling boy she once knew was indeed her son from the future.

Throughout that period, Binna observed with curiosity the unfamiliar items in the guest room used by Eun-gyeol, noting his demeanor, speech, and overall peculiarity. There were moments when she questioned her sanity for entertaining the idea that he might have come from the future; however, as time went on and she witnessed his absence and birth, she began to comprehend the truth. Binna harbored no remorse for her choices; she was satisfied with the outcome of her life, and if given the opportunity to go back, she would repeat every decision.

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