Chapter 25: Family

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Teslim unlocked the door to her room and stepped inside with the urge to just collapse on her bed in tears. She knew that she was being hard on herself and more to her pain, she was being unfair to her husband. It was somewhat unreasonable but she couldn't help it. She felt sorry for her husband for not sparing him a chance to at least hold her again the last they met.

She missed his touch and warmth. She missed their usual display of affection, being able to laugh and talk to him. She hadn't done that in a while which anguished her. The last time they kissed was three months ago and those three lonely months felt like eternity. She fought the urge to pick up her phone and call him to tell him that she was sorry for her misbehavior, she missed him and she wished that they came back together. At that instant, there was nothing she wanted more than to share her feelings and worries with Ahmad, but her emotions were getting in the way.

Stepping into the room, she found Hannan on the couch with baby Fahad on her chest. The child was deep asleep as Hannan supported him delicately on her body. She had been watching Kids In The Wood, a Television series along with the other kids who sat on the floor in front of the TV.

Hannan looked up from what she was watching and her eyes met her sister. She gave her a small smile and when she didn't return one she knew instantly that something was wrong with her.

"Are you alright?" She asked and Teslim gave a small nod, quickly swiping under her eyes with her thumb. She stood up carefully and lay Fahad on the couch. As she walked up to her sister, she paused peering into her face.

"Are you crying, Teslim?" To her greatest surprise, Teslim burst into tears with loud sobs escaping her every breath, and Hannan feeling sorry and confused put an arm around her and pulled her onto her shoulder. Teslim couldn't hold back the urge to cry into her sister's shoulder as much as she wanted to stop herself. She was feeling overwhelmingly sad and internally wishing Ahmad was there to console her.

When Yaseera and Jaseem turned to look at their mother in concern, Hannan knew she shouldn't be crying in front of the kids, so she stylishly led her sister out of the room towards the living room. She sat her down in their mother's armchair that sat at a corner of the room, leading to the kitchen.

"What's wrong?" Hannan asked anxiously and watched her burying her face in her palms."Did you fight with Ahmad?" Teslim shook her head, making Hannan even more curious. "Then what happened to you?" She pressed on but Teslim continued to sob her heart out.

Hannan decided to give her space, strolling back into the room to fetch her tissue. When she returned Teslim had calmed down a bit so she handed her the tissue.

She muttered a "Thank you," and dabbed her eyes. Hannan patted her back before reaching to sit on the armrest of the chair.

"Hannan," Teslim called with quivering lips and Hannan responded swiftly with a soft voice. "Yes," she peered into her eyes.

"I'm pregnant?" She said a fresh wave of tears streamed down her face, making a worried Hannan sit upright. "I'm three months gone." She added, wailing like a little child.

"Isn't that good news?" Hannan gave a puzzled expression. "Is that why you are crying?" She instantly grew impatient.

"I don't want to have the baby." She confessed and Hannan was almost paralyzed with shock upon hearing that.

"What?" She shrunk back a little with furrowed eyebrows. "What do you mean you don't want to have the baby?" She whispered, trying to process her sister's words.

"I can't have another child, at least not now. It's too early." Teslim murmured, cutting another tissue to dry up her face. Hannan stood up and slowly gave her sister some distance while staring at her like she was someone she couldn't recognize.

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