Robbery and interrogation

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Y/n pov
Another successful day in the bag. But I should start heading home. I'll listen to F/s on my way back home. I put one of my earbuds in and I was about to put the other one in when I seen an orange haired male with 6 guys following him. I'll follow them to see if these guys are gonna do what I'm thinking. I followed them from a distance. I pulled out my earbuds and pocketed them I kept to the shadows and since I'm in my black and red suit I blended in perfectly with the night. I watched them enter and the carrot top angrily shouted "Do you know how hard it is to find a Dust shop open this late." I crept closer and hid on the side of the building and I heard the Shopkeepers say fearfully "P-Please just take my Lien and leave!" I heard carrot top respond Shh Shh were not here for the Lien. Boys grab all the dust in any condition clean, burnt, uncut, or Crisp we're taking all of it." Ok I'll go in and pickpocket carrot top and set a trap. Time to play hunter."

I walked in and the bell chimed and they all looked towards me. Carrot top said "Get out before I sic my men on you." I said "I'm only here to use the bathroom and that's all man. My house is clear on the outskirts of Vale and I cannot hold my bladder that long so don't mind me." He eyed me suspiciously and he said "just do your business and get out." I nodded and seen everyone went back to what they're doing and once no one was looking I stole his wallet and walked to the bathroom keeping it hidden." Once I entered I slipped a card in and I stayed there for a few moments and flushed the toliet and turned on the sink briefly before turning it off. I walked out and passed by and tossed the wallet and thankfully no one noticed. Time to do what is needed. I walked over and picked up his wallet and I walked over and tapped him and he seen me holding his wallet and I said "I found this over by the vending machine is this yours by chance."

He snatched it and he opened it and suddenly a bright light combusted and I covered my eyes and I kicked him in the gut which he doubled over and on cue I seen one of the henchman get laughed out the window followed by a burst of Rose Petals. Good to know that I have backup. I turned around and ducked under the guys strike. I said "GET TO COVER SIR AND CONTACT THE POLICE!" He nodded and ducked behind the counter and in the small timeframe I got blasted backwards through a conjoined windows and rolled on the ground and quickly got up. I had my card fly towards me which I caught it between my index and middle finger." The guy said "you're a sneaky one aren't you?"  I smirked and said "A magician is always sneaky."

He shot towards the hooded figure and I threw one of my cards which cut the fired bullet clean in half." I said "Oi kid be more aware of your surroundings. This is an actual fight and not pretend." The kid started swinging their Scythe around as if it weighed nothing completely obliterating the enemy's around them. The kid noticed me and I heard Carrot top say "you were worth every cent you truely were." I turned around and heard police sirens and carrot top said "well this sure was an eventful night Red and Black but this is where we part ways." I watched him throw a fire dust canister and I quickly used gravity and launched my card at the canister cutting through it and causing an explosion. The classic vanishing trick...but I have to focus.

I seen the guy climbing the ladder and I ran after him costing my legs in a mix of Lightning and fire and I crouched and I tightened up my core and jumped which launched me in the sky and the kid followed the guy in a burst of petals which I pulled out seven cards and started throwing them which I used wind to launch them at speeds of a lightning strike which nearly struck him and I followed up by using different elements to slow him down and everything to possibly slow him down." I landed on the roof and I channeled electricity through my body and launched myself like a lightning bolt to block his path. I stopped in front of him and he said "FUCK YOUR ANYTHING BUT ORDINARY!" I channeled ice by my palm and I made a sword out of Ice and said "This little operation of yours is over" the guy backed up to the ledge and said "this is only the beginning." He leaned backwards and suddenly 3 massive bullheads flew up and he said "I wouldn't call this little by any means black." The kid started open firing on the bullhead and I said "kid I want you to keep firing at the electronics behind him." The kid started firing and a female with a black masquerade mask pull out a bow and formed 3 crystalized arrows and fired. I dodged all three of them and Carrot top threw a canister it landed a foot in front of the kid and the guy took aim and I had to make a split decision to either save the kid or take down the bulkhead and I launched myself at the kid and grabbed them and we rolled out of the way and the guy shot the canister but we weren't hit and I know damn well I didn't use any element. The kids hood fell off revealing a young Female that looked around my age." I got off of her and helped her up and said "Are you hurt at all?" She shook her head with a visible blush. We turned and we seen an older female attacking the bulkhead by herself." I watched a giant black cloud form above the ship and a magnitude of elements rained down on the aircraft. The female suddenly took aim and I held a card which was the Ace of spades which meant luck is on my side. I threw the card which it struck the electrical panel and I closed my hand and suddenly alarms were blaring in the shop and carrot top shouted "FUCK HE HIT THE ELECTRICAL PANEL. BRACE FOR IMPACT" suddenly the motors slowed down and I said "Checkmate!" I overloaded the electrical panel and caused it to short circuit and they were going down." I watched the card fly back to me and landed in my hand which I put it back in the deck box." The girl ran over and shouted "YOUR A HUNTRESS!!! CAN I HAVE YOUR AUTOGRAPH!?!" I walked over and said "good shooting you hit exactly where I asked and gave me the opportunity to short circuit the bulkhead. So Kudos my friend." The older female looked at us and said "both of you are coming with me." I said "I'm sorry but I have to get home." The female glared at me and I felt her intense glare. I said "I guess I can spare a few more minutes." She said "wise choice. I would feel bad if I had to get General Ironwood involved."

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