Chapter 17 - Meetings with Marlene

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Keegan's POV-
Today I had a meeting with Marlene. She was talking about my future on PLL. I was staying on it but we were going to talk about what Toby would be doing in the next season. I got ready and got into the car. On the way, I got a text from Troian. I pulled onto a car park and answered.
Texts between Troian and Keegan.
Troian- what are you doing today? I miss you xx
Keegan- I'm going to meet with marl, miss you more xxx
Troian- when can you come round? Xx
Keegan- tomorrow? Have you heard off your mum? Xx
Troian- yeah she's bringing AJ over next week xx
Keegan- I'll speak later, love you x
Troian- bye, love you too xx
I carried on driving to Marlene's house. I stop and park my car. I grab my sunglasses and phone and I walk to the door. I didn't knock when Marlene opened the door.
"Morning Keegan, come in!" I took my shoes off and went into the garden.
"How are you Marlene?" She went into the kitchen and brought out a plate of cookies.
"Fine thanks darling." Marlene was a lovely lady and she acts like my mum when I'm around her.
"I think I've got a big story line for Toby." She sits down and opens her big book.
"This sounds exciting."
"It is. This could change the program." I was intrigued to know more. Toby has only had a few storylines and this could be one of the biggest.

Troian's POV-
Keegan had a meeting today so I haven't arranged to do anything. I logged into Twitter and scrolled through my timeline. I tweeted about how bored I was and underneath was loads of suggestions about what to do. I receive a text from shay telling me to go round to her house and help her film a video for her YouTube. She said it was a Q and A and I agreed. I looked out the window and the weather looked sunny. I looked in my wardrobe and I pulled out a jungle pattern jumpsuit with a hat. I got ready and straightened my hair. I packed my handbag and text shay to tell her I was coming over. I was excited to film a video for her channel because we have been talking about it for a while but we never got round to it. In the end, I got to her house and was greeted by a sign telling me to go round the back way. I ripped the sign off the door.
As I got closer to the gate, I could hear 'Beyoncé - 7/11' playing. Shay came over and hugged me and explained the video to me. I went into the kitchen and got a glass of water. We sat down on her bench in front of the pool and filmed the video. The video put my mind off AJ and me and Shay had a lot of fun making it.
"Thanks for coming Troi." Shay thanked me.

Keegan's POV-
"I want Toby to reveal his real identity." I knew Toby was never who he said he was because Marlene told me when PLL started but she always said she would save his real identity for something big.
"What's?" She smiled.
"I knew you would react like that, he isn't called Toby and he isn't a cavanaugh." My jaw dropped. When she said he was never who he said he was, I have thought she meant he lied about his age or something small.
"He is Ezras brother but they agreed not to tell anyone. They only found out when they first met because Ezra knew he had an adopted brother." She told me the story line and I was excited yet scared.
"This is way bigger than I expected."
"In a good way?" I nodded my head.
"But you can't tell anyone, not even the cast. Not even Troian. " She nudged my shoulder.
"How are you two anyway?"
"Great, we have gotten closer since the AJ thing." She got up and patted me on the back.
"That's good to hear, I was worried about Troian." I couldn't wait for this season, it's going to be amazing.

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