Chapter 10 - Everybody Is Guessing

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Ashley's POV-
I walked into work today and saw Keegan and Troian together. They are always whispering and acting cute with each other. Shay has noticed this too, and Lucy saw them being adorable to each other.
"Morning Spoby." I said.
"Shut up Ash, your just jealous of 'Spoby'" Keegan replied.
"So it's real then?" I looked at Troian.
"No as we have said over one thousand times, we are just friends." Keegan said as he looked at Troian.
"I'm going to my dressing room." I walked in to see Lucy looking around my jewellery box.
"Hey sorry for barging in, Marlene said you had some blue star earrings she wanted 'aria' to wear. Do you know where they are? She said they'd be here."
"I'll get them. Have you noticed Keegan and Troian lately?"
"I said to Ian yesterday about how romantic they look together." I was glad I wasn't the only one seeing things.
"When I said morning Spoby they acted like I had called them something that offended them."
"So do you think they're dating?" It sounded weird to say it.
"Honestly? I think they are. Here are the earrings."
"Thanks Ash I better go! See ya later!"
She walked out the room. I needed to know what was going on between them soon.
(In the next point of view it has moved on to 5:10pm)

Ian's POV-
When I walked up to my dressing room I saw a note on the door, it had 'I' written on the front. I ripped it off the door and opened it. It said
'Meet me in my dressing room at 6:00pm, don't tell Keeg or Troi,
Ash x' I looked at my watch and it was 5:15pm. Was it just me invited? I walked to Shays room to see if she had one. I knocked on the door and Shay appeared looking like Emily.
"So, you had one too." Shay whispered as she pulled me in the room.
"Yeah I come to see if you had one, I didn't know if it was just me." We sat down on the sofa.
"Why can't we tell 'Spoby'?" We always called them Spoby off set because it saves us saying both of their names.
"I dread to think what she is planning." Shay text Lucy to see if she had one and I text Tyler.
"Lucy has had one, what about Tyler?"
"Yeah, Ashley gave it to him before they went to shoot a scene." I left Shays room and went to my room. Was it something to do with Spoby? I rang Lucy to see if she had an idea.
Phone call between them
Ian- Hey Lucy, can I ask you something?
Lucy- So I guess you got one too?
Ian- Yeah I rang to see if you had an idea about what it was about.
Lucy- Not a clue, got to go bye!
I had a nap and set my alarm for 5:55pm

Tyler's POV-
I walked into Ashley's room to see her and Shay sat on the sofa.
"Will you tell me what this is about?" I said.
"Wait until Lucy and Ian get here then I will spill." After a while we were all sat down waiting to hear an explanation.
"Before we start, why did you write notes, why didn't you text?" Lucy asked.
"Because I had a spare hour in my room doing nothing and it was more fun." Ashley started to laugh.
"Anyway, we have all noticed that 'Spoby' have been acting like they are in love lately." "So, what's this got to do with meeting here in secret?"
" I want to know the truth, there is something they are not telling us."
"I have been noticing that they always come into work together and go to events together. Did anyone see them leave yesterday?" Ian said.
"They left once everyone else had gone, when I left, they were the only ones left." Lucy said.
"I asked Sasha to come but she is filming a scene with them now." Ashley said.
"Why don't me and Ian talk to Keegan and the girls talk to Troi, maybe they will admit to it then." I stated.
"I agree we can talk to them tomorrow." Lucy said.
"Mission Spoby love is up and running!" Shay said.
This time tomorrow we should know if PLL is becoming reality.

Troian And Keegan - Off Camera #Wattys2016जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें