Chapter 13 - Emotional Ride

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Tyler's POV-
Me and Troian stared at each other hoping it wasn't reality.
"Guys, what won't you tell anyone." Lucy sat down and looked and me.
"Nothing honestly." Troian started to pull down her shorts.
"Tyler tell me now or I will do something I will regret."
"Tell her Ty. Just tell her." Troian started to cry.
"What's the matter? It can't be that bad?" Lucy said.
"It was the night of the season 5 wrap party, 7 months ago." I started to say.
"We were drunk it was one mistake." I finished.
"She's not a mistake but at the time, it was a mistake." Troi said.
"She? Tyler please don't say what I think your going to say." Lucy started to get worried.
"The reason why we started to talk about her is because Troi had a picture of her in her purse."
"I can't believe this." Lucy stuttered.
"When I found out I was pregnant I was already 3 weeks, I went to Tyler straight away."
"We agreed to keep the baby." I admitted.
"When I went to see my mum and dad, mum and dad knew I was pregnant. I'm petite anyway so the bump didn't show as much. I didn't have the baby until a week after I got there." She got out her purse and looked at the photo.
"I started to wear baggy clothing but on the night when I invited Keeg over, I wore a tight dress. The bump showed but it just looked like I had put on weight."
Lucy looked up and realised that she had a child and she was with Keegan.

Lucy's POV-
"But you and Keegan got together that night, you slept in the same bed. How could he not of noticed?" It was crazy.
"She didn't look pregnant, to be honest I wouldn't of noticed." Tyler started to swell up.
"I had her 3 months early. That's why you couldn't tell. If I had her at 9 months I would've arranged to have her here."
"Wh- hat did you name her?" I started to cry. It was sad that Troian had to go through this by her self.
"Amelia- Jane." Tyler answered.
"AJ for short. She had big brown eyes and brown hair."
"I dread to ask this but where is she now? How old is she now?" I asked.
"She's with mum and dad and she's 3 months old. I agreed to bring her over at 5 months."
"Were you going to tell Keegan?"I needed to know the details. I was struggling to think about my feelings.
"I don't know, I hadn't thought that far."
"Why don't we arrange to tell Keegan ASAP" Tyler said.
"I can't look him in the eye again."
"Was she Healthy? This was going to change everything.
"She has a few problems but she's ok now, I ring mum everyday to check on her."
"She kept me up to date with her in the hospital aswell."
"Why don't we go home now and meet up tomorrow. Let's meet here at 1:00?" I said. We all needed to sleep on the idea that Troi and Ty have a kid together. We said bye and went back home.

Troian's POV-
I started to walk home. I was crying so much and I needed to go home and rest. Now, the whole secret is going to come out. I ran back home and got out my keys bag and went inside. What was I going to tell Keegan? What was I going to tell all of my cast mates or the PLL crew? This would turn my world upside down. I got out my phone and decided to ring my mum.
Phone call between Troian and her mum.
Troian- Mum?
Mum- Troian what's the matter? Have you been crying?
Troian- Lucy knows about AJ. I'm going to have to tell Keegan.
Mum- You've kept it long enough. Don't worry baby, you'll be fine.
Troian- How's AJ?
Mum- She's fine. Just call me when you want her to come and live with you.
Troian- Thanks, love you.
Mum- Love you too!
I started to practice what I was going to say to Keegan.
"I'm sorry but I need to tell you something." I said I front of the mirror.
"Keegan, I've been keeping something big from you. No I've been keeping a secret from you." Nothing seemed right. I didn't think I would be having this conversation with him. I've been worried about me but how will Keegan take it?

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