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By the time the steel elevator doors slide open to deposit you on the luxury hotel's ground floor, the mingling is in full swing. Confidence radiates from your every step as you stalk to one of the men standing guard before the entrance. "Good evening, ma'am." You offer a stolen invitation in response to his outstretched hand. "Thank you. Please enjoy your night."

"Thank you." You step inside, blending in effortlessly as you lift a flute of fizzy champagne from a nearby waiter's tray. You have less than an hour before the main event begins to make contact, to make use of the hidden syringe that will render Siyeon incapacitated exactly twenty minutes after injection. It will look like a heart attack, a sudden tragedy brought on by unfortunate circumstance (stress being the usual suspect). By then, you will be safely miles away, retreating into the shroud of your underground headquarters.

You return smiles and head nods to those who toss them your way, probably assuming you are another one of the countless business associates in this flood. Weaving your way through the crowd, you sip at the bubbly drink.

"I haven't seen you at one of these events before. What's your name?" A deep voice interrupts your search. You turn to find a pudgy man grinning at you. Well, more like leering. You rattle off a fake name. "That's pretty. Which company are you with?"

You feed him another false tidbit. He starts rattling on about how his company knows yours, how he's senior executive whatever, and would you like to get a "business" lunch sometime? You're not actually listening, too busy landing eyes on the lady of the night. Siyeon stands near the front of the room, draped in exquisite Chanel and a glittering shawl. Though her back is turned towards you, you catch enough of her face when she turns to greet someone who approaches her. Perfect.

"Of course, I'll have my office call yours." All the creep gets is one perfunctory nod before you step away, ignoring his protests that you didn't even give him a card.

It is just your luck that there are a few tables set up near where Siyeon stands. You pick the one slightly to her right, in earshot of her conversation with an elderly woman. You need the perfect opportunity to cause a quiet commotion, just enough to distract her from the slight pinch of inevitability.

"Oh, please, you flatter me! I didn't start my company alone. I have a lot of people to thank for all of this, truly."

Hearing Siyeon's voice in person is somewhat jarring, as you've only listened to it in surveillance footage. But if it bothers you, it never shows on your perfectly-crafted face.

"Always so humble, Siyeon. That's why we all like you so much. By the way, I hear congratulations are in order! How far along are you now, Siyeon?"

"Thank you, thank you. I'm about eighteen weeks in now!"

Your breath catches. No... Purposefully, you shift. You swivel just enough to catch a better glimpse of Siyeon's body. Your stomach drops.

Looks like the file left something else out.

Siyeon has loosened her shawl. The midnight of her dress bulges over her stomach. It's not too obvious yet; you perhaps wouldn't have noticed at first glance. But now, you can't ignore the growing swell, no matter how much you want to. Siyeon cups the underside of her belly with dreams in her eyes.

Damn it. You're no expert, but eighteen weeks doesn't sound like very much. In fact, it doesn't sound like much at all. Medical advancements in the past century have been vast, but a tiny infant of eighteen weeks might just be impossible to save on its own.

...But that's not your problem, is it? You were given orders. Orders that have to be carried out, or else.

You spot someone walking purposefully towards the pair from the other side, probably to pull her speaking companion away. This transition would provide the perfect chance for you to make your move. You will only have a few seconds, not enough time or space for hesitation.

This is what you're supposed to do. This is what you've always done. You finger the ring on your hand as you shift in your shoes, moving just an inch closer. You find the activation switch, though you don't press it yet.

"Siyeon, are you feeling alright, my love?"

You fight the urge to spin towards the voice as your thoughts are interrupted. You recognize the tone, one smooth and self-assured. It comes from beside you. The owner, suit-clad, slim, brushes your arm as he passes by. Kim Seokjin. Siyeon's husband of a few years, another company head and one of the most handsome men you've ever seen.

Through your peripheral vision, you watch Seokjin slide an arm around Siyeon's waist to pull her in close. He presses a kiss to her cheek, turning her towards him as his other hand comes down, slides over her belly. "You're not tired? Do you want to sit down?"

"No, no, I'm just fine, honey." Siyeon beams at him.

"Ah, Seokjin! Siyeon was just telling me about the baby."

Seokjin's smile blossoms into utter bliss. "Our favorite topic! We just renovated the baby's future bedroom, actually."

"Jinnie here is going to build the cradle himself when we get to England. Can you believe it?" A burst of laughter, like chimes.

"Anything for my baby girl."

You want to curse but hold your tongue. You press your eyes closed, squeeze in irritation at yourself, at Siyeon, at chance. You could still do it. Erase the light from her eyes and his. It would be simple. Too easy, in fact. But your thumb falls away from the ring like dead weight. It would take a strength far greater than what you possess to find the switch again, no matter what logic dictates.

The unknown guest reaches the trio to pull the older woman away as you predicted. But you stand rooted to the spot as you let them go, watch the opportunity slip away like sand through half-heartedly cupped fingers. Seokjin and Siyeon are still trapped in their bubble of pure joy, gushing about baby clothes or names or something you can't stand to listen to any longer. You turn away.

Excuses whirl through your head, knowing there's going to be hell to pay but there's probably worse if you carry out the orders. You've found another damn line you can't bring yourself to cross. Another line that reminds you that you're weak, no matter how you try to hide it. Your footsteps feel too loud on the marbled floor despite the music and the chatter as you surge through the bodies in seek of the exit.

Then your instincts kick in.

The raise of a hand to an ear, from one of the suits standing against the wall: the telltale sign of a hidden ear-com. You whip your head around, spot another woman in a short dress speaking into a com that looks far too official for your liking. You don't even make it ten more steps before you spot a man with a bulge in his jacket that can only belong to a holstered weapon. They would be invisible, well-camouflaged to the layman's eye. But you're a professional.

To make it to the exit, you have to pass the man near the wall. But now he's on the move, seemingly headed to the same direction you are. Have you been made?

You reach for your communicator. Now you're less than fifty steps away from the exit. He's less than thirty from you. There would have to be something from HQ if they caught even a whiff of danger, especially from the NIS. The National Intelligence Service has always been a pain in your ass, trying their best to ruin what you and your family have built. But the mini-com you pull out is devoid of any new info. You fail to notice your handkerchief coming out with it, falling onto the floor as you shove the com back into your purse.

Close. Freedom is so close. You speed up.


A man's voice comes from behind, but there's no way you're going to stop for him. If you turned, you might have noticed him pick up the bit of cloth. Instead, you rush past the guards, keeping a pace that just looks like you have to run to the washroom for some emergency. But instead of going deeper into the hotel, you head for the automatic double doors that part quickly for you.

"Ma'am, you dropped something!" But the words aren't loud enough to surpass the music to make it to your ears.

Onto the street, you're hit with the last rays of sunlight. You blink, mind working overtime. You can't outrun them; hiding is your only option.

You decide right instead of left. Two doors down from the hotel, you find a store overflowing with flowers in the storefront. You ignore the almost-sickly saccharine perfume as you yank open the entrance and throw yourself inside.

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