Sea-side, Leah Williamson.

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I'm currently crying. I've taken up darts to distract myself. Mid-life crisis as a sodding teenager, I swear, man.

Anyway, went to the beach yesterday and I fucking love it so I'm writing about my experiences cause that's what I normally do.


Y/n's pov.

Most of the Arsenal squad are on a day trip to the Sea-side. I say most because a few are boring and said they didn't want to come. Fucking weirdos.

Now, I may not have had the best childhood known to man. However, on the occasion, I did make some happy memories, being at the beach a few of them.

It reminds me of the good things, and I love being here. It may not be anything special, but for me, it's everything.

'Are we there yet?' I ask my girlfriend Leah for the sixtieth time.

'Will you shut up, I'll send you to sit with Kim in a minute.' She says, pointing to the other end of the bus with all the boring people.

'God, I was only asking.' I hold my hands up in defence and decide to occupy myself by talking to Frida.

'Mate, I'm so excited for the beach. I'm gonna dig the fattest hole ever.' A smile crosses my face as I talk about my favourite thing to do at the beach. Digging.

Digging is great. Couldn't tell you why. It just is. Every time I go, I end up digging a bigger hole than before, and it's became my very own tradition.

I don't like having help, though. Once, I nearly killed Kyra for attempting to help. She wouldn't come near me for a week. I felt kinda bad, but I'm not good at saying sorry, so I just powered through.

'What's the point of digging a hole?' She asks. Honestly, some people just aren't on the same wavelength, I swear.

'Because it's fun, and then you can sit in it.' I'm not good at explaining my reasoning for things but, oh well.

We talk for a few more minutes before I get bored and start bugging Leah again.

'Right, that's it. You're going to Kim.' I groan as she drags me by my arm over to Kim.

Like, I love Kimmy but she's so boring and she talks about boring stuff. Like, once she tried to have a conversation with me about fucking clouds. How the fuck am I supposed to hold a conversation about clouds I can't even hold a conversation about something I like.

'Can this one sit with you. She won't stop chatting my ear off.' I'm being bloody abandoned here. Like may aswell just leave me on the side of the road.

It's okay, though, because Kyra and Lessi are sat infront of us and I get the window seat.

'Be good.' Leah says, kissing me on the forehead. Anyone would think she's my mother.

'Hey Ky.' I say cheerfully, flicking her head.

'Oi, what's the need.' She wacks my hand away, giving me a scowl. This makes me laugh but I'm pretty sure she's trying to be intimidating. She should give up.

'I was bored.' I shrug, sticking my tongue out at her.

She doesn't reply, instead choosing to huff and turn back around causing me to become bored again. Fucking bitch.

I start tapping the back of Kyras seat along with the music coming from my headphones. I'm glad I brought them because I don't know what I'd do without.

She quickly turns around and rips the headphones off of my head and throws them across the bus.

'What the actual fuck Ky!' I try to reach over at get her but Kim pulls me back, scolding me for my actions. 'Did you not see what she just did.' I frown at getting the blame.

Woso Oneshots Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora