Messed up, Kristie Mewis.

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Thought I'd write about someone different.


Y/n's pov.

I'm either messed up or I have messed up. Either way, someone's gonna kill me.

I don't know what goes on in my head, but something inside there told me it was a good idea to piss off the entire USWNT. Including my girlfriend, Kristie.

I may or may not have said some stuff. I really couldn't stop myself.

'Still not talking to you, ey?' My best mate, Georgia asks.

'No, and it's not very good seeing as though we play them tomorrow. I'm so glad I can't play. They'd skin me alive.' I shudder, my mind bringing my thoughts to life. She chuckles at my answer and sits down next to me.

'Imagine being ignored by your girlfriend.' Beth teases, messing up my hair from behind.

'Fucking bitch!' I exclaim, getting up and going after her, pulling her into a headlock.

'Okay, okay. Let me go.' She laughs, wriggling out of my grip. 'You're violent today.'

'When is she not?' Leah buts in, bearly through the door.

'What is this, bully y/n day.' I huff, sinking into my seat.

'It's always bylly y/n day.' Gerogia grins, flicking through netflix. Only to put some fucking dog film on.

Now, when it comes to films, I only have a few rules, no dogs, no rom-coms, and no films I've been told are sad.

Mainly for the purpose of not crying, although the rom-coms one is just cause they're shit.

What can I say, I'm a sensitive soul. Have you ever watched the postman pat film? Made me ball my eyes out for hours. It was so sad.

I leave the room as they start watching that, deciding to go back to mine, and Alessia's hotel room. I'd much rather be on my own watching a decent film than be with them. That's just how I am.

Anyway, it'll be easier to get Kristie to talk to me without them lot being twats.


Please talk to me love, you know I can't help myself.

I can't cope with you ignoring me. Even if all you do is yell, I'm used to it anyway.

Okay, it wasn't even that bad. I was only joking. It was funny anyway.

Just leave me alone y/n.

Don't be like that. I say stuff all the time that I don't mean. You're not normally this bothered.

Have they been brainwashing you. Honestly, I only just got you to agree that shameless UK is better, and now this.

This has got nothing to do with shameless UK.

It's got everything to do with it.

No, it's not. You said something offensive and I'm mad at you for it.

Now go away.

I groan, throwing my phone at the wall in anger. It's okay, I do it a lot. I think Kristie secretly dipped it in some indestructible stuff while I was sleeping because it isn't even scratched.

I thing I just made the situation worse but, hey, at least she actually messaged back.

To be fair, I don't even think what I said was that bad. Everyone is just over reacting.

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