《 59. open water [🌹] 》

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Water's red, my body's glowing
Right beneath the moon


Kalim had an impromptu training session with the rest of his peers. You, Grim, and Yuu decided to watch and see what the Scarabia dorm was capable of. They were pretty good at defense magic, you noticed. Though, it seemed like Kalim was hastily rushing in his fighting style.

With an excited grin, Kalim jogged over to you when he finished. "Alright, training's over! Let's go!" He gestured for you three to follow him.

Jamil was quick to interject again. "Hey, our homework's not yet—"

Unfortunately, Kalim had already taken off. He was out the door. The vice-prefect sighed inwardly to himself.

────── ♡♤♢♧ ──────

The three of you walked along the halls of Scarabia with Kalim. The rest of the dormitory was a beautiful as the outside. Grim was star-struck by all the shiny structures.

"Everywhere I look in this dorm all I see is gold! It's completely different from our dorm, yanno?" Grim cheered. It's like this place was made for him. You were just as taken aback by the fancy architecture. It was as if you had stepped into a palace.

"Is it that surprising?" Kalim was curious. " I heard that my Dad donated to the school to spice up the dorm when I got accepted, but..."

"Donated...?" You uttered in surprise. His father gave so much money to the school, that the headmaster approved renovations made to the quarters? While you had some money saved up, it most likely wasn't enough to make big repairs to Ramshackle, much less exchange the walls with gold. His family must have incredible influence, paired with the fact that people were targeting his life.

"Just how rich are you!? Are you... are you a prince like Leona!?" Grim blurted out. He was shaken up by the revelation.

Honestly, you wouldn't be surprised if he was. His dorm was luxurious, and the lifestyle in the dormitory was one for royals. Kalim would be another royal at this school you would have met.

"The Asim Family isn't technically a royal household, so I'm not a prince. Though I have a lot of relatives that are royalty." With a smile on his face, Kalim clarified the misconception for the three of you. He actually got that a lot here.

Oh. Oops. Previous statement retracted.

His last name... "Asim...? Wasn't your name Al-Asim?" Grim wondered next. Did he hear that wrong?

"The "Al" in my name means "son" according to our country's olden language." The Scarabia student explained. "Family names are passed down by one's ancestors, so... all of the male family members born into our lineage add "Al" to refer to themselves to indicate us as "son of" our ancestors."

"In my case, our ancestor's last name is Asim, so adding "Al" to that makes me... Kalim Al-Asim, which basically means, "Kalim, a son of the Asim Family" got it?" He beamed.

Grim chuckled to himself. Turned out this guy's name was surprisingly meaningful. "Heh... I've never even thought of names' origins before at all..."

Nonchalantly, the white haired boy held his hips. It was fun sharing stuff about himself with you three. "It's hard when you're not familiar with it? You can just call me Kalim!"

It was like a brief history lesson on his culture. For you, leaning about different cultures was fun. Needless to say, it was pretty intriguing. "That's really interesting, Kalim." You complimented.

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⏰ Last updated: May 12 ⏰

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