(( jumping azul au ))

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Azul took a handful of contracts and began going through them, counting methodically to himself. "One, two, three... heh heh heh..." He chuckled deviously.

That's when you thought to yourself. Azul is alone here, and the safe is open.

Why not take him out right now? His guard is down, after all!

Before he could step away, you decided to seize the opportunity. You forced yourself past Jack and grabbed Azul by his ankles.

"H-Huh?!" Azul uttered in surprise. He was horrified by the sudden action. With a jerk, he tried to break free, but the grip you had on his legs was too strong.

"(Y/N)?!" Jack, Ace, Deuce, and Grim were all shocked.

You proceeded to yank him towards you. The force made Azul lose balance instantly. He slammed against the vault before falling over onto the ground.

Everyone stared in horror. They couldn't believe you just did that.

Wasting no time, you climbed out of the desk. Azul was on the ground in disbelief at what just happened. He locked eyes with the others before looking at you again. He struggled to get up with his injuries.

The safe was still open. You only needed one contract, but after pulling a stunt like that, something tells you it'll be hard to get the rest after this. You decided to grab as many contracts as you could.

"W-Wait...!" Azul shouted in a panic.

Once you had them, you ran over to the doors. "Keep him at bay!"

"Alright!" Jack nodded. The four of them quickly crawled out from the desk. Once they were out, they held him back from you.

You opened the doors, ready to make a break for it. However, you slammed into an eel wall. With his magic, Jade swiped the contracts from your distracted self, and Floyd quickly restrained you.

Using a spell, Azul quickly returned the stolen contracts back to the safe. The door closed with a click when you managed to break free from Floyd's grip. Your raised hand fell defeatedly.

...Crap. So much for that plan.

"That... that was rather unexpected." Azul breathed out. He had to take a moment to adjust his glasses. Thankfully they didn't break, but his fall would definitely leave a bruise.

How'd they get here so fast? "Did you know we were here the whole time?!" Jack surmised from the eels' sudden appearance.

"Of course. What I didn't anticipate though was Miss (Y/N)'s brutish attack." Azul said with a distasteful frown. He held his throbbing temple. That was actually cutting it rather close, as he hadn't rigged the contracts that were in the safe. "How bold of you to come to our establishment and attack me like this... truly unbecoming of you."

Jade and Floyd were just as shocked at your attempt. Jade was aware of your reputation for violence, but he couldn't believe you would even consider pulling a stunt like that. On the other hand, Floyd was slightly amused. Was that slam he heard Azul hitting the wall?

"I'd file a complaint for expulsion, but then I'd lose my singer. Thankfully you'll be in line by tomorrow."

"That's why I'll generously overlook your little stunt. On account that you don't try to steal the contracts again."

Yeah, sure. You nodded apprehensively, though your agreement was not at all genuine. The moment you get the chance, you're trying again.

"That being said... bad kids who steal things that do not belong to them deserve to be punished." Azul spoke up.

Jade shared his sentiment. "We have to teach them thoroughly so they do not think of attempting such things again."

Floyd smiled, although his cheeriness was unsettling with added context. "I'll squeeze your necks one at a time, okay~?"

Until they moved from the door, none of you could leave. You'd just have to brace yourselves and fight until the way was clear. "You guys, get ready!" Jack whipped out his magic pen. Everyone else did the same.


(637 words)


this is just an extra chapter thingy i wrote for fun LOL

i was like.... "wait what if she just went for azul" and then i started uncontrollably writing it XDDD rip azul's face

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