《 46. Let's Get Loud 》

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Let's get loud
Turn the music up to hear that sound


After the thoughtful conversation with Tsunotarou, you had a bit more to reflect on. He gave you lots to think about. You returned to Savanaclaw just a bit before everyone was about to sleep.

"Oh, there you are, (Y/N)." Ruggie spotted you as you entered Leona's room. Now that you were here, they could begin.

"I'll have you help me with cleaning Leona's room today." The hyena explained the task.

"You better work to pay your rent, you herbivores." Leona added.

It was a bit late for a cleaning call, but you weren't one to complain. After all, it was part of the agreement to let you stay in Savanaclaw. You needed to earn your keep.

Unlike you, Grim was one to do just that. "I'm being used by Azul there, and then by Leona here... I'm already dead-tired, yanno!" He held up his paws and started fake weeping.

"First, you're gonna wanna get all the clothes strewn about into the laundry basket then organize the stuff on his desk." Ruggie instructed. He gestured to the basket and the tables.

Next, he pointed over to the drawers and shelves. "Accessories go in this drawer. Books go on that shelf. Once the desk is clear, wipe it off with a dustcloth."

Both you and Grim surveyed the room. It was messier than it was yesterday. There were so many things all over the place. It was like a storm had blown through here.

No sweat... You thought to yourself optimistically. After all, you were able to clean Ramshackle up nicely, this would be no different.

Grim crossed his arms with a tired pout. He couldn't believe how messy Leona was. "You're not a kid so at least clean up after yourself." He mumbled quietly.

"Huh? You say something?" Leona spoke up with a growl. That didn't go unnoticed by him. His threatening gaze landed on Grim.

The gray monster fearfully jolted, squeaking as he did so. "Eeep... Nothing at all." He answered sheepishly.

You went ahead and started picking up the articles of clothing, which was haphazardly strewn around the floor. Some were even tossed onto the chairs without a care.

Passing by you, Grim had wandered over to Leona's desk.

"Time to get this messy desk cleaned..." He began quietly, rummaging through the items on the table. His electric blue eyes lit up once he spotted something unusual. "Oh!?"

"He left some expensive-lookin' jewelry just lyin' around. And there's his wallet!" Grim whispered with excitement as he picked up the valuable item in question.

You turned around curiously. Not only does Leona just leave his stuff lying around... he included his valuables?!

Trying to be as inconspicuous as possible, the monster glanced around before tucking it close to him. "W-with this much stuff around, surely he wouldn't notice one little thing goin' missing, right? That's what he gets for not puttin' this stuff under lock and key. Nyeh heh heh..."

Your shoulders fell slack upon hearing that.

I wouldn't do it if I were you, Grim... You thought to yourself.

Even if you had your voice, you still would've refrained from holding back Grim like you were now. If he steals the wallet and Leona notices, he deserves whatever he gets. And you definitely wouldn't come to his rescue for this one.

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