How he met Anant Sethi, his meeting with Kalandi, Kalandi's madness, Anant Sethi's obsession with power, the car's brakes failing and blackmailing him with the evidence against Rishabh, and to save everyone and his family, he bowed down to both of them and did everything according to their words.

Alok was telling everything to everyone, but he did not tell anything about Anokhi and Archana. As Alok was speaking, everyone's surprise was increasing and the most surprised was Shobha.

As Shobha was coming face to face with the truth, her surprise, her restlessness, the pain in her heart and the tears flowing from her eyes were all increasing. 

When her steps faltered, Surekha and Ajay held her. Grandfather sat on the sofa and Riya put her hand on her mouth in surprise. If Shivika had not held her, her steps would have faltered too. Everyone's eyes became moist except Rishabh's.

He was looking at Alok with an emotionless face. After Alok finished speaking, rishabh did not stay there even for a moment and went straight to his room. Alok saw him go with moist eyes and then regretted telling his family everything.

Alok came to grandfather and sit on his knees in front of him. he was in pain due to the injury but still he sat and holding grandfather's hand said, "Sorry Papa, I know that in all these years I have given a lot of pain in all of you and you all are still in pain, but Papa I could not ruin my son's life.  Just think what would have happened to Rishabh if he had been jailed in his childhood and I could not let that happen, Papa. I know Rishabh did something wrong and as a punishment he lost a lot, even himself.”

As soon as he finished speaking, Shobha got up and ran towards her room crying. Alok started watching her go with teary eyes. Grandfather put his hand on Alok's head and said, " Beta, you should have told me once, we would have think of some other way. You ruined your life for all of us. In all these years, we all said so many things to you, hated you so much and you tolerated it all."

"There is never hatred in a family's heart, there is only love, Papa, you told me this. I just wanted you all to stay safe.", Alok said smiling.

Ajay put his hand on Alok's shoulder and made him stand and hugged him and said, "You should have told me, Bhaiya, why did you all suffer alone. You stayed away from Bhabhi for so many years even though you loved her so much. Because of all of us, you had to stay away from your wife and child.  ”

Alok said smilingly, putting his hand on Ajay's cheek, “And you took very good care of my wife and child, my brother. I have seen how well you took care of Shobha, Rishabh and my Riya for so many years.” Saying this, he looked at Riya who was looking at him while crying.

Seeing her, Alok spread his arms and Riya came running and hugged him. She was just crying and was saying, “I miss you Papa, we all missed you a lot. I, bhai, mom, all of us always missed you.”

Alok kissed Riya's forehead and moved his other hand towards Rohit, Rohit also hugged him and Alok closed his eyes in relief.

“ I swear on diamond jeth ji, you can talk to all of us but right now you go to Didi. Right now she needs you the most. She has been living remembering you for so many years. Now it's time to remove her complaint.  " , saying this Sulekha wiped the tears from her eyes.

Alok separated from both of them and went towards Shobha's room.

When Alok came in the room he saw Shobha sitting on the floor with the support of the bed and crying hiding her face in her knees.

“ Shobha”, Alok came near Shobha and called her name softly. Hearing his voice, Shobha raised her face. Seeing her face filled with tears, Alok felt a pang in his heart. He was about to say something to her when Shobha wiped her tears and went to the balcony.

Alok came and stood behind her and said to her, “Forgive me Shobha.”

“You never considered me your wife, right Alok ?”, Shobha said while turning her back towards him.

“What are you saying Shobha, you are my wife, how can you think like this?”, Alok said while holding her arm and pulling her towards him, Shobha said while removing his hand, “I am saying absolutely right Alok. Wife means better half, it was my duty and my right to know and be with you not only in your happiness, but also in your sorrow, but you did not give me that right. You hid such a big thing about our son's life from me. Why Alok ji, tell me why did you do this?”, saying this Shobha caught Alok's collar.

Tears were continuously flowing from her eyes. Alok held her face in both his hands and wiped her tears and said, “Because I did not want to put you all in danger. Anant Sethi only wanted my money and Kalandi wanted me. When I went to them, you all were safe. Apart from this, I did not want anything else. But Shobha, even though I was with Kalandi for 20 years, I never let even her shadow fall on me. I was yours yesterday, I am yours today and will always be yours. I know that in these 20 years you have suffered a lot by remembering me, by remembering our past moments because I too had suffered the same pain. Shobha, every moment I kept remembering you, Rishabh, Riya, I kept remembering my family and I was sure that one day I will definitely return to my family. That is why I have survived till now, otherwise I would have died long ago without you people.”

Alok had just said this when Shobha put her palm on his lips and said, "Don't say such things. Nothing can ever happen to you. I have lost you once and now i can't even think of losing you again." Saying this, Shobha hugged Alok tightly and Alok also held her in his arms.

Today both of them had peace in their hearts which was lost somewhere for the last 20 years.


I also write Hindi novels , so if any of you reads novels in Hindi language then DM me on Insta for the link.🥰🥰
Because I recently started new story 😍








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