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"Do you have to come? I'm very busy, and I live with someone now mom" Chaeyoung says.

"Come on sweetie, me and your dad miss you, it's been so long since we visited our strawberry princess" Mom says.

"Fine" Chaeyoung groans.

"Who are you living with"? Mom asks.

"That's none of your business" Chaeyoung snaps.

"You dare talk back to me young lady, tell me"! Mom yells.

"She's a flatmate, my friend" Chaeyoung says flatly.

"Okay, see you tomorrow, its about time you get married, we're bringing a proposal for you" Mom says.

"Mhm" Chaeyoung says.

"Hey babe? What's up"? Mina asks.

"Nothing, my mom is coming tomorrow so I'm a little pissed" Chaeyoung says.

"Ohh, did you tell her about us"? Mina asks.

"And risk, losing my relationship with you? I didn't tell her, I told her that you're a freaking flatmate" Chaeyoung says.

"Oh.." Mina sighs.

"Also I might need to borrow some clothes" Chaeyoung says.

"How about we go shopping"? Mina asks.

Chaeyoung POV

I don't know how she'll react when I tell her about the proposal.

"I need to tell you something" Chaeyoung says.

"Go on baby" Mina says.

"Don't be mad please" Chaeyoung says.

"Just tell me baby" Mina says.

"My mom is bringing me a marriage proposal..." Chaeyoung says.

"What"?? Mina shouts.

"Don't worry, I'm gonna tell her about us" Chaeyoung says.

"You better, you know I love you"! Mina says.

"Babe....I'll tell her soon, she's not a very pleasant person, but I'll try, I love you too" Chaeyoung says.

Mina cups her face and kisses her gently.

"I'm sorry..." Chaeyoung says.

"Why sorry"? Mina asks.

"The whole marriage thing.." Chaeyoung says.

"It's fine, it's not your fault" Mina says.

"Yeah, well we still need to go shopping, I need to dress all girly" Chaeyoung says.

"Alright, let's go" Mina says.

"You might be thinking why I'm dressing so girly" Chaeyoung says.

"Yeah, I meant to ask you, why"? Mina asks.

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