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"Damn you've been rude, Chaeng" Jihyo says.

"I was just trying playing hard to get? I guess, well we've...." Chaeyoung starts but stops.

"But what"? Jihyo asks.

"Come close, I'll tell" Chaeyoung says.

They come close to each other and Chaeyoung wraps her arms around them.

"We've had sex" Chaeyoung says.

"Brooo, that's fucking wild" Jeongyeon says.

"Yeah I know, and I think, I said I love you to her as we were lying on each other" Chaeyoung says.

"Wow, you really like her" Dahyun says.

"But, I don't know if she'll repeat history, I'm scared" Chaeyoung says.

"You've got a point there" Jeongyeon says.

"Guys, I have a plan" Dahyun says.

"What is it"? Jihyo asks.



"Sounds awesome" Chaeyoung says.

"Let's put the plan to action tomorrow morning" Jeongyeon says.

"Got it" Chaeyoung says.

"And let's do a sleepover at my place tonight" Jeongyeon says.

"Cool, let's go" Jihyo says.

"Wait, I gotta finish this drink" Jeongyeon says as she chugs her shot for the 3rd time.

They all leave the bar and get to Jeongyeon's place.

"Pretty cool, huh"? Jeongyeon asks.

"Damn you've got a good place bro" Chaeyoung says.

"Enjoy guys, this one's on me" Jeongyeon says.

"I love you guys" Chaeyoung says.

There were two sofas with a massage on one of them. A beautifully decorated rug, and a lot of paintings.

Yep Chaeyoung's friends are crazy rich.

"Damn, when did you get into paintings"? Chaeyoung asks.

"Wait, Tzuyu was into paintings" Dahyun interrupts.

"Did you guys get back together"? Chaeyoung asks.

"Well..." Jeongyeon says.

"Go on bro, spill the tea"! Chaeyoung asks.

"She texted me on instagram" Jeongyeon says.

"You see...."


Hey Jeongyeon


How have you been?

Fine, you?

Not good

What's wrong?

I've been thinking about you, a lot

It's been 2 years since we broke up Tzuyu.

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