"NO ONE SCOLDS MY MUMMA!" Aryan shouted. We both looked at his little figure. This little guy could get angry.

"Aryan," Daksh called softly.

"I SAID NO ONE CAN SCOLD MY MUMMA!" He shouted again, punching my chest with his little fists.

"Aryan, but your mom scolds you when you make mistakes. It's the same," Daksh said very softly.

But Aryan threw my mobile phone at him, making his eyes widen.

"Aryan," I scolded, but he still seemed to be angry.

"Aryan, stop getting angry," I said sternly, but he grabbed my hair. I held his hand tightly, making him loosen his grip.

"You're not going to act like this, do you understand?"

"NO!" He shouted. I gave him a stern look.

He started

He began crying, trying to escape from me.

" I don't love daddy. Daddy doesn't love my mom. " He said and bit my hand. I quickly let go of his hand. He jumped off the bed and stood at the door, looking at Ayushi.

" I don't love you either. " She said and ran towards Aryan.

"Beta listen to me. " I said, trying to follow them, but Daksh grabbed my arm.

" Let them go. They're upset. Does Aryan always show his anger like this? " Daksh asked. I rolled my eyes as he pushed me back to lie down.

" Daksh, you don't understand... I wouldn't want Aashika's mom scolding me. " I muttered, and we heard the sound of the door opening. Rahul came in and walked straight to my side.

" Tell me the truth. Was Kanak involved"

" No, man. My wife is to blame for this. My sister wasn't involved. " I muttered. He kept his stern look and moved my towel.

" I'm taking this off. " He said, removing the towel without waiting for a response. I wanted to strangle him for real.

" Did you clean it? " He asked, and I shook my head.

" Okay, then stay like this. Why don't you lie on your stomach? " He suggested, and I stayed silent.

" Crab bit his inner thighs. "

" Daksh, get out. " I shouted, and he glared at me.

" It's you... Aryan is just like you. He has your anger. " Daksh said, rolling his eyes and then looking at Rahul.

" Just check them, it doesn't look good. It's been an hour. Is it forming blisters? "

The room fell silent. I knew they were communicating something through their eyes. I just lay still as Rahul worked on me.

" You're so quiet, Ayaan. " Rahul muttered. I just hummed, and he came to eye level, after checking my eyes he pulled out an empty syringe.

" Blood test. " He mumbled, and I extended my hand without making any effort to position it properly. Daksh held my hand steady, allowing Rahul to do his work.

" Ayaan, sleep if you want. " Daksh said, patting my head as if I were a child. I pushed his hand away and lay on my stomach.

"Here, take these pills and sleep. When you wake up, you won't have any pain. I'm sure you'll be able to sit properly. Daksh bhaiya, you're here, right? Don't let him sleep on his back. Ayaan, I'll see you in the evening, okay," Rahul said before leaving the room.

I quickly swallowed the medicine and lay down again.

"Pass me my shorts," I mumbled.

"Sleep," he said. I gave him a mad look and started getting up, but he pushed me back.

"I said sleep. Can't you understand normal human language? Sleep right now. No one is allowed in the room. I'm locking the room, understand," he said sternly. Not wanting to talk, I just closed my eyes.

"Don't rape me while I'm sleeping," I mumbled with my eyes closed. In response, he started patting my head.

What does he think he's doing? Cutting off my thinking, I let sleep take over me.


"How is he, Rahul?" I asked, unable to see Ayaan since the door was locked from inside. Even his lunch was taken to the room. Rahul bas already taken two round in his room. And it's his third time getting out of his room.

Rahul gave me a pointed look. I held back my tears. I swear I don't want to cry, but everyone is giving me angry looks or just avoiding me.

I pouted and sat on the floor. It's already dark outside. I don't want to be alone in this big mansion.

Rahul looked at me for a few minutes, then sat beside me.

"He's okay, but ointment needs to be applied at night. Why did you do it?" he asked.

I avoided eye contact and looked down.

Before he could ask me something else, the door opened, revealing Daksh bhaiya.

"Go, ma'am, put some scorpion on his bed next time. Then there will be no one to scold Aryan and Ayushi. Maybe in your eyes, he hates them too much. But right now, sir is worried that his wife will not be able to sleep alone," Daksh bhaiya said before leaving us alone.

I walked into the room and pout immediately found its way on my lips. If I were at home, no one would have stopped me from seeing Ayaan.

"Ayaan," I whisper as I gently kiss his closed eyes and then pull the blanket down to check on him.

"I'm so sorry, sorry, sorry," I apologize, kissing his lips repeatedly.

"Really, mean it and never pull something like this again. I'm tired of your troublemaking ways. I don't care whose idea it was. Aashika, use your brain for once, but no, my wife doesn't have that capability," he yells.

I wrap my arms around him tightly.

He stops scolding, and a minute later, I feel his arms wrap around me pulling me in his warm embrace.

𝙶𝚒𝚏𝚝 𝙾𝚏 𝙻𝚘𝚟𝚎 (𝚂𝚎𝚚𝚞𝚎𝚕) Where stories live. Discover now