Part 10

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Dinner was cooked by the two of us, he didn't look like someone who could cook, but unexpectedly he had quite some skill.

It made my usual cooking seem too sloppy.

A stormy day isn't good for me and my garden, stopping medication for too long, sometimes I'd be suddenly overwhelmed by emotions, the flowers outside beaten down by the rain.

I sat on the bay window watching the rain outside, my eyes empty, the surrounding sounds as if blocked by something.

I didn't know my current state, just feeling momentarily as if I was outside the world.

Suddenly, the sounds by my ear became clear.

I turned my head to see Pei Jin Yan, not knowing when he entered my bedroom, the outside light pouring into my dim room.

He apologized very politely: "Sorry, I knocked for a long time without hearing a response, so I took the liberty of coming in."

I didn't speak, my gaze following his figure.

Pei Jin Yan held a cup of hot water, placing it on my table, then slowly approached me.

I didn't want to deal with people at this moment.

He'd better go out and close the door behind him.

But Pei Jin Yan did something unexpected, he placed his hand on my head, moved it a bit, then ruffled my hair.

I didn't understand what he was doing.

The next moment, he pressed my head toward him.

My forehead rested against his waist, I could feel his fingertips slowly falling on my face, the slight friction bringing obvious warmth.

He was tall, about half a head taller than me, probably working out regularly, and in good shape.

That moment, as if enlightened, I looked up at him.

He was also looking down, his gaze on my face, the room dim, but our eyes saw each other's faces.

Some people, their eyes are naturally expressive.

For a long while, my vocal cords seemed to finally return, I asked: "Pei Jin Yan, do you like men?"

He chuckled softly: "No, I like you."

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