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Maxy pov:

I was in therapy again.... Mr Brown brought up a topic I never thought of talking about....

Mr Brown: why not get a pet? I mean... You don't have to if you don't want to.... That's just the thoughts of one though....

Maxy: I've never thought about that....

After talking with him, I went home and talked to my mom about it....

Maxy: hey mom?

Hilda: yes honey?

Maxy: can we get a pet?

Hilda: omg! Finally! I've been waiting for you to say that! I already have two pets in mind to adopt! Just look at them!!!

Hilda: omg! Finally! I've been waiting for you to say that! I already have two pets in mind to adopt! Just look at them!!!

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(I was tired when I drew this 💀)

I look at them and I was amazed, I agreed to adopt them and we did! Soy, the black one, was just relaxing while Poppy, the out going one, was playing with me, momma had to go do a over night shift so she had to go early....I took our new pet's out for walking, it was getting night until I met someone...... Alex, she was walking her dog (even though she's one herself 😭)....

Alex: oh shit! Maxy?

Maxy: hey....

Alex: I didn't know you adopted? Who are they ~

Maxy: the black one is soy and Poppy is the pink one!

Alex: awww! Cute! Hey! Wanna go somewhere to eat?

Maxy: uhhh, s-sure.....

Alex: great! Come follow me!

And we went somewhere to eat, just to spend the night.....


With Sonic....

Sonic pov:

Sonic: Amy....can we talk....

Amy: yes baby?

Sonic: I wanna break up....

He heart sunk and I knew, she started crying and got to her knees.....


Sonic: I'm not!get off!

I kicked her off and she yelped, she look at me with anger.....

Amy: I hate you Sonic! I HATE YOU!



And she stormed off and left, while she got her stuff, I sigh and went on Instagram, looking at Mobians Post until one got my was a post from Alex..... and....Maxy was in it with two animals beside her....

Did she get new pet's?....


(The end for this chapter! Sorry for short)

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