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Third person view:

Maxy was relaxing in the sun, while it was recess in her school, nobody bothering her, she decide to go to the bathroom......

Maxy POV:

I went to the bathroom and closed the door, nobody was in here so I started playing with my lighter until someone came was a boy but he looked familiar? was Scourge.....

Scourge: ah~ look what the cat brought in ~

Maxy: stay away from me Scourge.....

Scourge: aww! The itty bitty cat scared?.... hehehe....

He came close to me and grabbed my arm..... grabbing a knife from his pocket....

Third person pov:

Scourge rolled down her sleeve and brought the knife close to her arm, while she was whimpering, he didn't hesitate to bring the knife up and slash her arm, over and over again with these big cuts......

After getting kicked in the stomach and punched

Maxy pov:

He left me alone after that....I quickly ran to the nurse office after , she helped me with the slashes on my arm and called my mom, I knew my mom wouldn't pick me up so....I told the nurse to tell my mom that I'm walking home..... after that, I grabbed my stuff and walked home , texting my friends that I went home early....I opened the door to my house and locked it.....I put my bag down and went upstairs, took a shower and just finished my unfinished homework.....I didn't know what to do anymore so I went outside with different clothes on....

I just went for a walk around the town, looking at the shops that were there..... there was a hair shop, food, etc....that calmed me down....I went to the park and got some fresh Air..... after a few hours, I went home again.... Mom came home and checked up on me....


Maxy: no mama....

Hilda: oh sweet Chao's! should I call the police?....or the principal!?

Maxy: the principal can't do shit....if we tell her... Scourge is just gonna pay her to be quiet.... send him to the police.....

Hilda: alright the way....I signed you UP for therapy, you need it....

Maxy: thanks ma....

Hilda: your welcome honey...

As Mom called the police, a few minutes later, he was arrested, he was sentenced to 3 years in prison....My mom was relaxed and I was ok.... but then I had to go to my new we drove there....waited and finally....I was in my session.....his name is Mr Brown.....

Mr. Brown: hello max! Sit down on the couch ok?

Hilda: see ya later hon....

Maxy: later....

Mr Brown: so.... Maxy....i Heard what happened at school you wanna talk about it.....

Maxy: n-no.....

Mr Brown: moving on.... what do you like to do in your free time? You know, so I can know you better....

Maxy: I like to play with my lighter....knitt...paint... and....draw?....

Mr Brown: wonderful..... what is your mood today?...


I was silent, I didn't know what to say....sad? Mad? I don't know......

Maxy: I have mixed..... Emotions....

Mr Brown: want to tell me what they are?....

Maxy: mad and sad....

Mr Brown: ok...why are you feeling that way?...

Maxy: because! Scourge cut me Even though I do that already!

Mr Brown: you cut yourself?...

Maxy:...... y-yes....

He nodded and wrote something down on his clipboard, he just asked me more questions like, what a like, you know all of that....then I was finished....I lied to my mom and told her it was great....I checked the time and it was 3:00, everyone leaving out of school, my mom drove us home and let us relax for the next day....

Next day

Third pov:

Maxy went to school and met up with her friends, she explained to them what happened.

Maxy: and ya... that happened....

Alex: OMG...

Jan: wow...

Jessica: hope you ok....

Maxy: I am... let's just go to class.....

And they went to class......


The end! I'll update More stories! But peace!

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