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(you can tell by the title of this by what happened... but read anyway....)

Maxy pov:

And he kissed me! I was so uncomfortable....I pushed him away and ran away, immediately grabbing my stuff and ran out of the school....I was crying while running....why did he do that? Does he like Me? I'm confused? Was this a cruel joke!? If so it wasn't funny! I like women and one specific one caught my attention..... it's Alex....

I love her with all my heart and I don't have the courage to confess I'll wait.... but the reason I cried is because he took my first kiss away! So I just ran inside my house and walked in and sat down in my living room, at some point in time changing into comfortable clothes

Sonic pov:

I don't know what snapped in me to just kiss her but.....I did.... her lips.... they were soft..... I need to feel that again.... I'm so used to kissing roughly....I don't even know how to kiss softly..... she was scared and crying...... I just sigh and went back to the lunch room.....

Shadow: oh...hey Sonic....

Amy: hey honey! How are you?...

Sonic: just thinking about some things.....

Amy: what are they about? Were they about me????

Sonic: yes yes....they were about you.....

I lied..... A hero never lies to his friends..... What I just did, I can't say it in front of her.... Amy.... She will rip me the streds if she finds out.... But her lips.....I need to feel those soft lips again.... Plus Amy is so controlling.....if me and maxy got together, it will be a great thing for me and her but also a bad thing cuz it will put her life on the line..... Amy will try to kill me and her.... but Maxy's sooooo, cute!

After school

Alex pov:

I went to Maxy's house because I was worried and Jessica and Jan were too, coming as well bringing snacks.... knocked on the door and what answers was a sad Maxy, I didn't like her like this....I immediately hugged her and sat her down on the couch, wrapping her in the covers and making sure she was okay.... Jan closed the door and Jessica brought the snacks, Maxy was surprised and looked at us....

Maxy: you.... You came for me?.....

Jan: yes because we are friends! We will never leave friends behind!

Jessica: she's right.... We'll never leave you behind.....

Alex: and we will stay with you forever.....

Maxy: thank you guys.... You don't know how much this means to me.....

Jessica: you're welcome but.... Do you mind telling us what happened so we can get the gist?

Maxy: well.... Sonic....he....he kissed me!....

And she started crying again, it wasn't happy tears I knew that...... These were uncomfortable and sad tears....

Alex: hey! Hey! It's okay.... it's okay.... He's not here...

Jan:poor baby.... Do you have any idea why?...

Maxy: no! This is how the day started off! I went to therapy,came back and he started talking to me while passing a note in class! Then all of a sudden when I was using the bathroom he came in and pinned me on the wall but..... He was staring at me for a while before roughly kissing was confusing.... And I was crying cuz he took my first kiss away! So now my kiss with someone I love is taken away! Forever!!!!

And she started crying in my arms.... I have to admit.... She is cute and I would like to take her out sometimes.... The seeing her like this was breaking my heart.... So you did everything in our power to make her feel better....

Jessica: hey..... If it makes you feel better... Let's not count that as your first kiss! He basically forced it on you.... Even if you try to tell it to the internet... People will be so rude and say "oh he's the most famous person in the world! You should be glad he even kissed you!" Or "Sonic wouldn't do anything like that!? You're lying!" And then it'll be a whole drama!

Maxy: so how do I deal with it?.... Me and my mom can't move again.... I like this place now....

Jan: she's not saying go move, she's saying try to avoid him! And if you keep some bothering you oh well then violence it is....

Alex: just rest, you had a stressful day....

Maxy: o-ok.....

After that she fell in a deep slumber.... Jessica put the snacks in the cabinets and fridge, Jan helped clean the house a little bit and I put Maxy in the bed.... but before I could even leave.... She grabbed my arm....

Maxy: please.... Stay....

And I don't know if she knew this but, she was making the cutest face.... So I couldn't deny.... I took off my shoes and krep in the bed with her and slept with her....


(Meanwhile with Scourge....)

Third person pov:

Scourge was writing down something in his journal.... He has hurt 8 Mobians today and almost killed one.... He didn't have nothing else to do since he was in jail because of maxy....her.... He wanted to kill her.... Torture her.... Do anything to break her down......

Scourge: when I get my hands on you.... It will be over for you......

Little Miss Max~..... hehehe......


Maxy pov:

I woke up with a soft kiss on my forehead.... It was Alex...I blushed....

Alex: good morning sleepy head.... Jan and Jessica slept downstairs and slept, I cooked your favorite....

Maxy: aww... honey- I MEAN! ALEX! T-thank you....

Alex: hehehe, you're welcome....

When she got off the bed, she left the door open for me and turn her head and said...

Alex: you know....I like the first name you called me earlier... I like it...

She winked at me and chuckled and left......DID SHE JUST FLERT WITH ME....OH MY GAH....


(Hope you enjoyed, bye!)

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