Chapter 69

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Astrid remained by Roan's side the entire night and day in that defector house; brushing the stray hairs away from his face while her head rested along the edge of the bed. There was an odd sort of peace as she watched the calm expression on his face. It was bizarre considering everything going on.

Abby had told Astrid that he was going to recover, but between his battered face and broken ribs, he would be resting for a while. She refused to leave his side regardless. The first time they reunited in two years, and Diyoza yanked them apart before they could properly reorient to the situation.

She didn't complain about these precious moments she got now though. To gaze upon his sleeping figure was enough for her.

Over the past couple hours of sleeplessness, she had plenty of time to deliberate about Diyoza's offer. Kill McCreary and she could live under the guise that she was just any other person. As long as the camp remained clueless about her identity, she could avoid constantly looking over her shoulder.

A soft hum occupied the air between the distant chatter and violent coughs of prisoners. Raven, Emori, Murphy, and Echo were chatting on the benches next to them about matters she didn't particularly care for. Until Roan woke, nothing mattered. Not Diyoza. Not McCreary. Certainly not Octavia and her army.

Astrid kept her eyes plastered on Roan, watching his eyes dart underneath his eyelids like he was in some dream. Every second, she had expected him to wake. Wanted to hear his voice again. See that smile she missed for two years.

The peaceful chatter of the room grew rowdy and violent. When Astrid lifted her head from the bed to see Murphy walking away from one of the prisoners, she knew exactly why.

Nothing but trouble followed John Murphy.

She had excused herself from Roan's side, considering he wasn't going to wake any time soon, and joined her group of friends.

"Who wants to explain what the hell just happened?" Astrid eyed every single person in that group until they landed on Raven. Unable to lie to one of her best friends, Raven finally caved.

"What better way to break up an army than by instigating a coup?" She said nonchalantly as she slipped her gaze over to Shaw, "Besides, killing their own pilot and our only inside source doesn't seem like a strategic move."

"It's not." Astrid said, keeping her head hung low to look over to Shaw, "But pinning Diyoza against McCreary? I'm not sure if that's going to work. McCreary has some brutal and ruthless prisoners following him. If Diyoza loses-"

"Which she won't." Raven reminded her.

"I'm just saying- If Diyoza loses control, there will be no choice but to fight a war against Octavia. Except this time, diplomacy won't work. McCreary thinks with his dick, not with his head."

Murphy snickered lightly, but masked it as soon as he noticed Astrid's warning glance.

"Astrid, what if you could sway Diyoza and her crew to side with Octavia?" Raven suggested, "She respects you. She listens to you. What if-"

"No." Astrid said firmly, "I don't want somebody derailed from empathy and morality to rule over this place. Blood would spill on the soil more than rain. I'd rather have Diyoza over Octavia. I'm sorry."

"Well, haven't you gotten all buddy-buddy with the Colonel?" Murphy teased, which led to Raven punching him dead in the shoulder. He cursed under his breath as he rubbed it out.

Astrid made sure the coast was clear before she lifted up the hem of her shirt, revealing the pistol. "Diyoza gave this to me. She found out about my blood and wanted to make a trade. Secret for a secret. Sure, call it an alliance. But I have one shot, one bullet, that could save us a whole lot of trouble. Two villains is better than three."

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