Chapter 1

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Astrid Montgomery was not a child born out of love.

She was born as an experiment, so she believed her entire life. The pure use of her existence was to test methods for prolonging longevity of the human race while minimizing the resources needed. Minimal oxygen. Minimal food and water. A minimal human.

Both of her parents were medical specialists and scientists, hired by the reigning Chancellor at her birth. They had worked on biogenesis using beta radiation to alter the genome sequencing in an individual to not only withstand lethal radiation levels, but to create a product that could withstand the harshest conditions without fault. A legion of working dogs while the privileged enjoyed their cushy lives.

A perfect candidate to send to Earth. Well, almost.

Since birth, her parents had run a series of tests and experiments on her body. Blood manipulation. Genetic recoding. Physiological tests that nearly broke her body and soul. Most notably, the continued low dose exposure to radiation to force genetic material to mutate. They believed that exposing a child during their most productive years of tissue regeneration and cell growth would provide the best results. Unfortunately for them, the only thing it yielded was a child stripped of colored hair and a petite, brittle body, constantly on the verge of breaking. Fortunately for her, they died from radiation poisoning when she was 12. All of their secrets going down with them.

Which led her here. Being locked in this cell for the past 5 years of her life. Day in, and day out, Astrid sat in her mute colored cell as the Ark spun around Earth. Not even a damned window to look at Earth. Being floated at her age of 17 wasn't an option, but she was also deemed 'unfit' to join the population with the amount of information her young mind held. Not even to join the rest of the criminals. It could cause a revolution.

So, they kept her a secret from society. Locked away in a solitary until the day she'd float. But it was a hell of a lot better compared to life she had as a test rat.

It was a bleak life, but Astrid found ways to occupy her days. Petty tricks on the guards. Fidgeting her pin straight white hair into different hairstyles. Gymnastics and dance to lessen the frailty in her body, which did little to help besides aiding in her tricks against the guards. But most of all, reading. She had read nearly every book on this damned ship. Three times. From basic children's books, to lengthy fantasy series, and even air duct repair manuals. It was the only form of basic entertainment the guards allowed her.

93 days until the day she was destined to float. And she was eagerly counting down the days. 17 years on this hunk of junk space station, locked in captivity one way or another. Astrid was more than ready to end this miserable life. And by the Ark, she tried. But the guards were always too keen and too swift for her to ever complete the task. She eventually gave up after the third attempt and decided suffering in solitude would have to do.

Today was different. The usual guards stalking outside the door were quiet. But the other captives were not. Throughout the day, Astrid honed in on fussing and screams, all ending in silence. It made her uneasy, questioning the agenda of the Chancellor and council. Secrets upon secrets.

"Prisoner 89." A familiar voice banged his fist along her door. "Back against the wall."

"C'mon, Terrance, you know I won't bite. Hard." Astrid teased the guard as she slid down the chair apparatus she made from sheets fastened to the rusted pipes. She knew nearly all of them by name, either from slyly tormenting them or from just the frequency they visited her cell. Terrance, by chance, first met Astrid when she was in a particularly bad mood. Underneath the sleeve of his uniform, a faint, crescent shaped scar reminded them both of that experience.

Winwolfa (A Roan x Female OC Fanfic)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora