Chapter 68

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Shaw was imprisoned last night after a virus in the flash drive made it appear that he was the one behind the missile lock out all this time. Astrid and Raven hadn't known this, of course, but still felt slightly guilty about it. It seemed the ends didn't always justify the means.

Even as she stood beside Kane, debating the contents of the land. The final end of ends. They had been there for nearly an hour, bouncing ideas back and forth. It was odd to think about if everything went well, there could be houses and farms and actual villages again. More than just that, according to Kane's plan.

To think about a time where they had no war. Where they could just life in peace. Never having to constantly fight to survive. They could finally live as they wished for, do whatever the hell they wanted.

She'd already knew what she would do. Build a small hut in the deep forest with enough space for her and Roan. He'd tend to the garden, making use of knowledge from the secret sessions he had with Monty. When she was home, they'd hunt together, cook together, and fight together. Then, they'd travel to the town square every so often to visit their friends.

If they survived this war.

A cool gust of wind tickled the back of her neck as Astrid stared into the expansive forest.

"Is it true? That you lived in the desert?" Astrid nodded.

"For two years."

"Why? How?"

She paused for a moment, debating whether or not to indulge in the secrets of her life. A perplexed expression formed on her face when she remembered that Kane was one of the last living members who was there that day when she arrived on the ship, "We found the cryosleep pod on the Ring."

Kane went pale, as if he had seen a ghost. He didn't speak, so Astrid only continued, "We found Jaha's video logs about my arrival. About the journal and the pod and the vote to keep me alive. Raven and I, we repaired the pod. Everything about my past is muddy, but I've been remembering more. My name, who I was and people of my past. Nothing about what happened."

"Astrid..." Kane turned to face her, "I am so sorry. The person I was back then... He was cruel. I didn't-"

"What's done is done." Astrid replied without even turning to face him. Although Abby was the first person to tell her, Kane was the only person who had apologized about what happened. Six years overdue, but it was still appreciated. "What matters now is trying to unionize two sides of a war in order to survive."

"You understand Octavia will kill us now that she knows we are in support of Diyoza."

Astrid whirled around, eyes narrowing on Kane, "I am not in support of Diyoza or Octavia. I am just trying to save as many lives as possible."

"Well, there's one thing that hasn't changed." Kane chuckled slightly, "Always trying to save everybody."

"I was never given a choice." She lowered her gaze, shifting it to the forest once again, "Being the prophecy, the Queen, and the face of the rebellion. My life has never been mine. Everything I've done has been for the sake of my people."

"There were still people who believed you were the one true Queen."

"I realized." She said stoically, "When I went to visit the defectors last night they..."

"They worship you." Kane continued, "Octavia had the devout believers fight in the ring until she thought the belief had fizzled out. Most of them were Azgeda." Her heart strained hearing that information, "They just became more secretive about it. Slowly, it was more than just Azgeda. Eventually, a few members of Skaikru and Trikru joined in."

"So what?" Astrid sighed, craning her head up to the cloudy sky, "What prophecy have they conjured up in the last six years?"

"Holkom had the book that Tilda wrote."

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