That's my woman

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“What! Why? Let me go”, I scream. “Rachael, just calm down” David's voice echoes in my ear. I try to push him off and run however his grip is too tight for me to escape. “In my opinion, you are suffering from denial. You don't want to accept what is happening”, he adds, releasing his grip slowly on me. “Why did you assume that?”, my mind directs me to ask. What has David seen? Why is he saying such hurtful words to me? I don't expect such from him.

“From my point of view, you aren't okay. You are sick. Your mental status is deteriorating quickly”, David says. I got teary-eyed immediately and was shocked he could say such a thing without feeling a bit of remorse. “So you also believe that I am sick. Do you believe I can't get better? You of all people think I am going mad?”, I demand. I believe I have the ultimate right to ask that.

“Yes, I think so”, he claims. “No wonder you wanted to kill me. That is why you sided with all those people. You wanted to get rid of me, right?” I scream. “I didn't plan to kill you, I can't kill you, I will not kill you in the future and I have no such intention. All I want is your happiness”, he pleads, pulling a strand of my braid from my face. How can he change so quickly?

“This world and everyone in it is horrible”, my voice comes out raspy like I am on the verge of tears. Not like I am on the verge of tears, I am crying already. “Except for you, you are nowhere close to being horrible”. David whispered against my jaw, and my body freezes up. I slowly look down at him causing him to move his head away from my jaw to look back at me. My thumb stroke his soft cheek, that's the nicest thing anyone has ever said to me.

David smiles staring into my eyes. “The tears you hide with your hands tell a story of love. You have had enough of the uncertainty that love brings. I want to lend you my shoulder so that you can cry it all out. Whenever I approach you, you push me away. You think the world is full of lies so you build walls around your world. I want to protect you. I don't want you to ever feel lonely again and I will take all your sorrows away and then throw them to the sky” David's poetic lines mesmerized me. Is this really the David I knew? David saying those words to me is not real. How many years did he use to memorize that?

“All I want is for us to live in peace together. I want all the troubles in our lives to leave. Are you ready to embark on this journey with me?”, David asks boldly straightening his posture. “Yes, I want to” David blushes after I said that but what I am about to say now may be the end of us. “But I am scared”, I add slowly standing on my feet. David joins me shortly and asks why. “Where is Angel? What's happening to me?”, softly my voice is as gentle as a dove.

“Look me straight in the eyes”, David commanded and I did exactly what he wanted. I felt his intoxicating touch which scrolls my hands and holds them in his. His eyes blazing just like the moonlight and the drops of rain outside on a stormy rainy night mixed it all up making me surrender completely under his spell. “Angel is dead. She died three years ago shortly after we lost the case. She is no more. Try to remember everything, my love” David’s affectionate words ring in my ear flipping my mind to the past.

I can see Angel clearly now. I can see her face, her eyes especially which were terrifying even after death. She must have been through a lot. She has suffered a lot. I remember now, I remember it all. I remember seeing Angel’s body hanging on the ceiling fan. She committed suicide because we didn't win her sister's court case. Angel is dead, Raphael doesn't exist and Joseph has already moved out of the country. Why am I hallucinating all these?

Fresh tears flowed down my eyes as I reminisced about the past. All of it did happen. Angel is truly dead. I opened my eyes slowly and David's face came into view, blurry at first then, clean and handsome as the morning sun. David wipes my tears gently with his soft caressing hands. His eyes now emit the displeasure he can see in me. I am sure he feels bad for me.

“I appreciate you for who you are and I have so much respect for you”, I state boldly throwing my arms over his head. “Now, let's call your doctor”, David reveals, tapping my back in the process. “Why?”, I ask, confused he is going back to that. “Your health needs it. When I got here and you told me Angel was here, I was surprised. Then I became more confused when I didn't see her around. You took me to the room where you said she used to stay but the room was empty. You told me her dead body was in the bathroom and you instructed Raphael to remain there yet there was nothing there. I want to use this medium to beg you to let me take care of you in the meantime. Let me help you. Let me comfort you”, David pleads.

“No problem. Since you want me to speak to the doctor, I will”, I accept smiling provocatively. “That's my woman”. A smile plays on my lip while I give David a bone-crushing hug showing my happiness. “I wonder how you still like and care about me after what I did”, he whined. “You are all I care about. If we keep talking about the past, we won't move on”, I retorted, releasing myself from the hug.

David holds my hands and takes me to sit. He instructed me to call the doctor and I happily did. As I sit, I can't help but admire his look. David is truly a man of every woman's dreams. Sharp jawline speckled with stubble, deep dark eyes, curly hair, thick eyebrows, strong nose, dying pink lips, sinfully handsome and infuriatingly stubborn. Why haven't I seen all these before? Is it because of the anger I had for him? To heck with my anger.

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