Chapter 8

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Leanna and Sophie were the first ones to pick their skis and board the private shuttle toward the ski resort. Isabelle and their rest of them were arriving late due to fallen tree on the road so Sophie and Leanna headed to the resort by themselves. 

Upon arrival at the ski resort, they were greeted by the breathtaking sight of snow-covered peaks stretching as far as the eye could see. The air was crisp and invigorating, the promise of adventure hanging thick in the atmosphere.

Sophie eagerly strapped on her skis, her eyes shining with excitement as she prepared to conquer the slopes. Leanna, on the other hand, felt a familiar sense of fear. Her last experience left her with enough trauma to last a lifetime. She was only doing this so Sophie wouldn't be alone. Taking a deep breath, she walked towards the ski lift, her skis in each hand. 

As they walked towards the ski entrance, Leanna couldn't help but notice a familiar figure already on the slopes, effortlessly carving through the snow with grace and precision. It was Leo, his form cutting a striking silhouette against the pristine white backdrop of the mountains.

Sophie followed Leanna's gaze and let out an excited squeal. "Look, it's Leo!" she exclaimed. "I didn't know he would be here."

"I didn't either," Leanna muttered under her breath. 

Leanna's heart skipped a beat at the sight of him, her pulse quickening with a mix of emotions she couldn't quite decipher. 

As they approached the ski lift, Leo caught sight of them and offered them a warm smile. "Leanna, Sophie, what a pleasant surprise," he greeted them warmly, his voice carrying over the crisp mountain air. 

Sophie beamed at him. "Leo, we didn't know you would be here!" she exclaimed.

Leo chuckled, his gaze lingering on Leanna for a moment longer than necessary. "I wasn't supposed to be here but work cancelled so I decided to surprise my brother. I wanted to get an early start on the slopes," he explained casually, though there was a hint of something more in his tone that Leanna couldn't quite place.

Leanna offered him a polite nod, her expression guarded as she struggled to maintain her composure in his presence. "Well, we'll let you get back to your skiing," she replied coolly. 

Leo's smile faltered slightly at her cold demeanor, a flicker of disappointment flashing in his eyes before he quickly masked it with a casual shrug. "Of course," he replied, his tone carefully neutral as he turned to board the ski lift. 

Leanna and Sophie followed and watched the scenery as they ascended to the top of the mountain.

"He keeps looking at you," Sophie chimed from beside her.

Leanna kept her cool and looked anywhere except her sister. "He's probably just making sure we got on safely," she stated simply. 

"Mhmm sure he is," Sophie muttered.

Leanna ignored her comment and continued watching the snow drift with the wind. 

As the ski lift reached the top of the mountain, Leanna and Sophie disembarked, their skis clattering against the snow-covered ground. The mountain air filled their lungs, enlightening their senses as they took in the breathtaking panorama that stretched before them.

Sophie let out an excited squeal as she caught sight of Leo waiting for them at the top. "Look! Leo was waiting for us" she exclaimed, her eyes shining with excitement as she waved enthusiastically in his direction.

Leanna's heart clenched at the sight of it all. All of this was a lingering reminder of past traumas she'd rather forget. 

As Leo made his way toward them, Leanna braced herself for the inevitable encounter, her hands trembling ever so slightly as she struggled to keep her emotions in check. She knew she couldn't let her past dictate her present, but the memories were too overwhelming. 

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